Designated Teacher Policy

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The aims of this policy are to ensure that:

  1. A suitable member of staff is appointed as the Designated Teacher for Looked-After (LAC) and Previously Looked-After Children (p-LAC);
  2. The Designated Teacher promotes the educational achievement of Looked-After and p-LAC;
  3. Staff, parents, carers and guardians are aware of the identity of the Designated Teacher, how to contact them and what they are responsible for.

Legislation and statutory guidance

This policy is based on the Department for Educations’ statutory guidance on the designated teacher for looked after and previously LAC which can be found here.

Identity of the Designated Teacher

The Designated Teacher is Mr M A Brunker, Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral), who can be contacted via: [email protected]


  1. Looked-after Children (LAC) are registered students that are:
    1. In the care of a local authority, or
    2. Provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of its social services functions, for a continuous period of more than 24 hours
  2. Previously LAC (p-LAC) are registered students that fall into either of these categories:
    1. They were looked after by a local authority but ceased to be as a result of any of the following:
      1. A child arrangements order, which includes arrangements relating to who the child lives with and when they are to live with them
      2. A special guardianship order
      3. An adoption order
      4. They appear to the governing board to have been in state care in a place outside of England and Wales because they would not have otherwise been cared for adequately, and ceased to be in that state care as a result of being adopted.
  3. Personal education plan (PEP) is part of a LAC’s care plan that is developed with the school. It forms a record of what needs to happen and who will make it happen to ensure the student reaches their full potential.
  4. Virtual school head (VSH) is a local authority officer responsible for promoting the educational achievement of their authority’s LAC, working across schools to monitor and support these pupils as if they were in a single school. The VSH is also responsible for providing information and advice to schools, parents and guardians in respect of previously LAC.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Headteacher

  1. The Headteacher is responsible for appointing an appropriate member of staff to the role of Designated Teacher.

The Designated Teacher

The Designated Teacher has responsibility for:

  1. promoting the educational achievement of LAC and p-LAC;
  2. ensuring staff understand the issues which can affect how LAC and p-LAC learn and achieve;
  3. ensuring staff understand how the whole school can support the educational achievement of these students.

The Designated Teacher will:

  1. Be the central point of contact within the school for any matters involving LAC and p-LAC
  2. Act as a source of advice for colleagues working with LAC and p-LAC
  3. Work with Virtual School Heads and other external services to provide effective support
  4. Promote a whole school culture, in which the needs of these students are prioritised and they are encouraged and supported effectively to engage with their education and other School activities
  5. Ensure the specific needs of LAC and p-LAC are understood by relevant staff, through training, and reflected in how the School uses Pupil Premium funding
  6. Ensuring appropriate procedures are in place to inform and work with VSHs when:
    1. LAC are absent from School without authorisation
    2. LAC and p-LAC are at risk of exclusion

The Inclusion Manager

The Inclusion Manager will:

  1. Liaise with the Form Tutor, Subject Staff, Deputy Heads of Year, Heads of Year and the Designated Teacher about the progress of students who are LAC and p-LAC.
  2. Monitor and track the attainment of students who are LAC and p-LAC and if there are concerns about a student’s progress, assist in agreeing an action plan
  3. Work closely with students, parents, carers and guardians, alongside the relevant HOY, to develop and implement effective PEPs for LAC
  4. Ensure that a LAC’s PEP is reviewed before the statutory review of their care plan, this includes:
    1. making sure the PEP is up to date and contains any new information since the last PEP review, including whether agreed provision is being delivered;
    2. PEPs are clear about what has or has not been taken forward, noting what resources may be required to further support the student and from where these may be sourced;
    3. Transfer a LAC’s PEP to their next school or college, making sure it is up to date and that the local authority responsible for looking after them has the most recent version.

All staff

All staff will:

  1. Work closely with the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead to ensure that any safeguarding concerns regarding LAC and p-LAC are quickly and effectively responded to;
  2. Work closely with the Inclusion Manager and relevant HOYs to ensure that LAC and p-LAC are supported effectively.

Links with other policies

This policy links to the following policies and procedures: Behaviour for Learning Safeguarding Exclusions SEND Supporting pupils with medical needs

Monitoring arrangements

  1. Any legislation and/or DfE guidelines referred to in this Bourne Grammar School policy has been verified and deemed to be current at the time the policy is written and approved.
  2. Policy owned by: Pastoral and Community Committee
  3. Last Reviewed and Approved on: PENDING (This policy will be reviewed bi-annually by the Pastoral and Community Committee, or sooner if there is a major change to DfE guidance)
  4. Next Review due: PENDING