Covid-Secure Guidance for Students and Parents 2020

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  1. This document provides an overview of the measures and routines in place at School due to Covid-19.
  2. The School will keep these measures under review and continue to be guided by the latest Government advice.
  3. Parents may also find the following information from the Government's useful Back to School Guidance Back to School Leaflet for Parents.

Maps - 'Bubbles' and Entry Points

  1. Ground Floor (Y7 only)
  2. Ground Floor (Y8 only + Y7 male toilets)
  3. Ground Floor (Y9 only)
  4. Ground Floor (Y10 only)
  5. Ground Floor (Y11 only)
  6. Ground Floor (Y12 only)
  7. Ground Floor (Y13 only)
  8. First Floor Master (All years except Y11)
  9. Science Block Master (Y10 and 12 only)
  10. Ground Floor Master
  11. Students and staff should aim to walk on the left-hand side of corridors where possible, even when moving within a 'bubble'.
  12. PE, Design Engineering and Computer Science lessons will continue to take place in their usual venues.
  13. GCSE and A-Level drama students will have access to the Drama Studio. Other Year groups will have use of D1 and D2 for Drama.
  14. Lab 9 to be used for MFL oral sessions and Science practicals.
  15. Student access to the Careers Office in the Science Block is by appointment only. To avoid unnecessary mixing during busy periods, appointments should not take place during break or lunch. Access to the Careers Office should be via the middle door to the main foyer.

Form Rooms, Tutors and Heads of Year

Heads of Year

Name Role
Mr Chamberlain Head of Year 7
Miss Pollard Deputy Head of Year 7
Miss Atkinson Head of Year 8
Mr Graves Deputy Head of Year 8
Miss Bradley Head of Year 9
Miss Turton Deputy Head of Year 9
Miss Creedon Head of Year 10
Mr Bowers Deputy Head of Year 10
Mr Murray Head of Year 11
Mrs Lattimer Deputy Head of Year 11
Mrs Shales Head of Sixth Form

Tutor list

Form Room Tutor
7A MFL3 Mrs Cowell
7B Art 2 Mrs Worrall
7C Art 1 Miss Patman
7D MFL4 Mr Green
7E MFL5 Mrs Williamson
7F MFL6 Miss Dye
7G MFL7 Mr Harris
7H MFL8 Mr Sutherland
8A Music 1 Miss Bennett
8B Music 2 Mrs Pryor
8C MFL1 Dr Hanson
8D MFL2 Mr Flight
8E MFL9 Miss Segarra
8F PE1 Mr Farrow
8G Maths 11 Miss Mizen
8H Maths 12 Ms Jasinska
9A English 1 Mr Bainbridge
9B English 2 Mrs Greenfield
9C English 7 Mr Fleckney
9D English 4 Mr Barmby & Ms Capper
9E English 5 Mr Brown
9F English 6 Mr Howard
9G English 3 Mrs McVicker
9H English 8 Miss Lindley
10A Maths 1 Mr Sheppard
10B Maths 2 Miss Bowtell
10C Maths 3 Miss Kemp
10D Maths 4 Dr Murphy
10E Maths 5 Miss Watson
10F Maths 6 Mrs Waldron
10G Maths 7 Mr Dougall
10H Maths 8 Miss Smallshaw
11A History 1 Mr Stainton
11B History 2 Mrs Clark
11C History 3 Mr Gatland
11D History 4 Miss Doerpinghaus
11E EPR1 Mr J Mitchell
11F EPR2 Mr Smith
11G EPR3 Mr Edwards
11H Geography 4 Mrs Armstrong
12A Science Lab 11 Mrs Woolf
12B Science Lab 4 Miss Hurrell/Miss Currier
12C Science Lab 5 Mr Vaughan
12D Science Lab 6 Mr Roche
12E Science Lab 7 Mr A Mitchell (Law)
12F Science Lab 10 Mr Ray
12G Science Lab 3 Miss Thurlow
12H Science Lab 12 Mrs Pignatiello & Mrs Welling
12I Science Lab 13 Mr Delport
12J Science Lab 14 Mr Adams
13A SFC3 Mr Gillespie
13B English 10 Mr Moxley
13C SS1 Mr Marsden
13D IT2 Dr Hobbiss
13E English 11 Mr Williamson
13F SS2 Mr Adamson
13G SS3 Mr A Mitchell (Physics)
13H SS4 Miss Mears
13I SS5 Mr Tighe
13J Geography 1 Mr Miller

General Protective Measures

  1. Anyone who has symptoms, who has someone in their household who does, or who has been informed by NHS Test and Trace that they must self-isolate must not attend School. Symptoms are any of: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell.
  2. If anyone develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus they must inform the School. If they are in School they will be sent home.
  3. Individuals with symptoms can only return to school once they have received a negative test result (see Getting Tested) and have followed the Stay at Home Guidance.
  4. Students within the same 'bubble' are permitted within 2m of each other but students should maintain 2m distance from other students and all staff, where possible.
  5. Everyone must wash hands more often than usual, particularly after arriving at school, touching face, blowing nose, sneezing or coughing, and before eating or handling food. It is also recommended that hand sanitiser is used when entering a classroom.
  6. Everyone must wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly, or use alcohol hand sanitiser ensuring that all parts of hands are covered.
  7. Hand sanitiser will be available in all classrooms and at main entrances/exits to each building.
  8. Doors will be wedged open where it is safe to do so.
  9. The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach applies:
    1. Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze. If one is not available, sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not into your hand. Dispose of tissues into a disposable rubbish bag and immediately clean your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser.
  10. Updated 27 08 20 The latest Government guidance on face-coverings in education can be found here. Nationwide, the government is not recommending face coverings are necessary in education settings generally because a system of control, applicable to all education environments, provides additional mitigating measures. Schools and colleges will have the discretion to require face coverings in communal areas where social distancing cannot be safely managed, if they believe that it is right in their particular circumstances.
    1. Given the protective measures in place the School’s position remains unchanged and, assuming and hoping that the local area is not placed under lockdown, there are at present no plans to alter our own guidance on the wearing of face-coverings.
    2. Bourne Grammar School will not require students or staff to wear a face-covering. Those who choose to wear a privately-sourced face-covering in School may do so.
  11. Physical contact with others should be avoided.
  12. The School has completed a risk assessment in line with Government guidance.

Lesson Transitions Updated 27 08 20

  1. Student and staff movement needs to be controlled between lessons.
  2. The lesson transition system is designed to reduce the chances of teachers passing students in the corridors. It will also allow for a teacher to be in the room before some classes arrive (for Y9-13).
  3. Students must aim to keep 1m+ social distancing from other students when moving through corridors. This may not be possible at all times but students should keep this 1m+ distance wherever practicable.

Managing the Beginning of the Lesson

  1. Y7 students must stand when a teacher enters the room.
  2. For Y8-13, members of staff are free to manage the beginning of the lesson as they see fit.
  3. Seating plans may still be used for all Year groups.
  4. Students should remain seated whilst they are waiting for the teacher or until they are about to move to their next room.

Transitions between Form time and P1, P1-P2, and P4-P5

  1. The bell rings and the teacher immediately moves to their next venue, leaving students in the room.
  2. Three minutes later, a second bell rings. By this time, the next teacher should have arrived.
  3. If some or all of the class have a lesson in a different room, the teacher dismisses them.
  4. If the teacher for the next lesson does not arrive before the second bell, and some or all of the class have a lesson in a different room, they are to leave and make their way to their next lesson.
  5. Two minutes later, the bell to signify the start of the next lesson will then ring.
  6. Teachers have three minutes movement time, students have two minutes. This is on a best endeavour basis.
  7. Example P1-P2:
    1. End of P1 bell rings at 10:15. Teacher leaves immediately and moves to their next venue. All students remain in the room.
    2. At 10:18 the second bell rings (next teacher should have arrived by then). Students needing to move to a different room for P2 leave, all other students remain at their desks.
    3. At 10:20 the start of P2 bell rings and the lesson begins.

Transitions at the end of P2 and P3 (before Break/Lunch)

  1. At the end of P2, 11:20, the end of lesson bell rings. The teacher immediately leaves the room. All students remain in the classroom.
  2. At 11:22 a second bell rings and the students may leave the room and go to any of the below:
    1. Their own tutor room (if they are not already in it).
    2. Their outdoor ‘bubble’ area.
    3. Food outlet (if they are scheduled to be there – see Student Catering)
  3. The same will apply at the end of P3, before lunch:
    1. At the end of P3, 12:40, the end of lesson bell rings. The teacher immediately leaves the room. All students remain in the classroom.
    2. At 12:42 a second bell rings and students may leave the room and go to the venues as stated above.

Transitions at the end of Break and Lunch

  1. End of Break:
    1. Students should begin to move to P3 after the 11:35 bell as normal.
    2. Staff may arrive at their P3 room before 11:35 if they wish or in time for the start of P3 at 11:40.
  2. End of Lunch:
    1. Students should begin to move to P4 after the 13:25 bell as normal.
    2. Staff may arrive at their P4 room before 13:25 if they wish or in time for the start of P4 at 13:30.

Movement to and from Non-Bubble Rooms

  1. Classes in Yrs 7-11 needing to leave their 'bubble' area for a lesson (e.g. Drama, Computing, PE) wait to be collected by the teacher in their outdoor 'bubble' area (location highlighted on Maps). Sixth Form students do not need escorting but must wait for the start of the lesson bell before moving out of their 'bubble'.
  2. Movement of groups to non-bubble rooms needs to happen after the bell.
  3. Movement of groups out of non-bubble rooms needs to happen before the bell (i.e. the teacher needs to escort the group back to their 'bubble' a few minutes before the end of the lesson).

Student Areas at Break and Lunch Added 27 08 20

  1. Students should remain in their ‘bubble’ areas at break and lunch, unless they are accessing their allocated food outlet at the times stipulated here: Student Catering.
  2. Students are permitted in their own Form room.
  3. Students must not loiter in the corridors – these are to be kept free to allow staff on duty to move safely throughout the School.
  4. Students must aim to keep 1m+ social distancing from other students when in communal areas at break and lunch. This may not be possible at all times but students should keep this 1m+ distance wherever practicable.

Use of the Field at Lunch

  1. A map showing how students will share and access the school field can be seen here.
  2. Due to the protective measures in place, physical contact should be avoided. Ball games are not permitted at break/lunch until further notice.

Student Catering

  1. All students in Years 7-11 are required to either bring a packed lunch or use the 'Mobile Fusion' App to pre-order food from the Gecko, Chill and Plaza.
  2. All orders must be placed the day before or by 0700 on the day.
  3. Information regarding the 'Mobile Fusion' App has been sent to current students' school email accounts.
  4. Students/parents must ensure accounts are topped up electronically – top up points in school are no longer to be used.
  5. Students who are joining the School in Y7 are asked to bring packed lunch for Thursday 3 and Friday 4 September whilst cashless catering accounts are created.
  6. Y12/13 students all have access to the Sixth Form Café. Pre-ordering is not required here - food is on demand. Sixth Form students are encouraged to use contactless payments or the 'Innovate Fusion' App but it is possible to use cash.
  7. Y12/13 students may leave the site at lunch to purchase food.

Access at Break

  1. Sixth Form (Café) and Y11 (Plaza) have access every day.
  2. Due to the protective measures in place it is not possible for all students to access the food outlets, every day, at break. A rota system has been put in place.
  3. Y7 (Gecko) and Y9 (Chill) have access in Week 1.
  4. Y8 (Gecko) and Y10 (Chill) have access in Week 2.

Access at Lunch

  1. Students must access food outlets via a specific route at a set time - these can be seen here.
  2. Y7 - Gecko 12:40-13:00.
  3. Y8 - Gecko 13:05-13:25.
  4. Y9 - Chill 12:40-13:00.
  5. Y10 - Chill 13:05-13:25.
  6. Y11 - Plaza 12:40-13:25.
  7. Y12/13 - One-way system in the SF Café (ordering on demand, not via the app).
  8. Students may sit and eat in the Gecko or Chill during their allotted time, or they can return to their 'bubble' area with their food.
  9. Hot food should not be consumed in Form rooms.
  10. The Gecko and Chill will be cleaned before changeover (13:00 - 13:05).

Access to Water Dispensers

  1. All water dispensers are hands-free
  2. Y7 - New Block - upstairs (new water dispenser)
  3. Y8 - New Block Middle Entrance/Exit.
  4. Y9 - Sports Hall entrance.
  5. Y10 - New Block - upstairs (new water dispenser)
  6. Y11 - South end of old English corridor.
  7. Y12 - SFC2.
  8. Y13 - Gecko.
  9. A new hands-free water dispenser has also been installed in the Chill.


  1. Delaine Buses will follow Government Guidance on Transport to School.
  2. All core journeys serving the School, with the exception of the 202, are now classed as 'dedicated school transport'.
  3. Dedicated transport to schools and other places of education often carries the same group of children or young people on a regular basis. They do not mix with the general public on those journeys. This helps limit the number of other people with whom they come into contact.
  4. Where dedicated school transport is not possible, e.g. the 202, a double decker bus will be deployed and the top deck will be for student use only.
  5. Students are encouraged to sit with their ‘bubble’ on school transport, or with the same constant group of children each day.
  6. The advice for passengers on public transport to adopt a social distance of two metres from people outside their household or support bubble, or a ‘one metre plus’ approach where this is not possible, will not apply from the autumn term on dedicated school transport.
  7. Students travelling by bus will wear a face covering.
  8. Students must not touch the front of their face covering during use or when removing it. They must wash their hands immediately on arrival (as is the case for all pupils), dispose of temporary face coverings in a covered bin or place reusable face coverings in a plastic bag they can take home with them, and then wash their hands again before heading to their classroom.
  9. For further information follow Delaine Buses - Student Advice or contact Delaine Buses. Tel: 01778 422866, [email protected].

Student Arrival and Entry Points

  1. Students arrive at normal times. Gates open at 08:15. Supervision is not available prior to 08:15.
  2. Students should head straight to their Form rooms/'bubble' areas upon arrival.
  3. It is important that students maintain 1m+ social distancing when arriving.
  4. See Ground Floor Master and year group specific maps in Section 2 for entry points.
    1. Northern car park gates for Y8, Y10 and Y12.
    2. Middle gates for Y9 and Y13.
    3. Main Entrance (Reception) for Y7.
    4. Southern gate for Y11.

Student Departure and Boarding the Buses

  1. Students not catching a bus can leave the site immediately at 15:35. Y11 to use south exit. Y7 to use Reception. Y9 and Y13 via middle gate. Y8, Y10, Y12 through northern car park gate. See Maps.
  2. Students should observe social distancing as far as is practicable when leaving the site.
  3. Students using the buses will be dismissed from the following areas one 'bubble' at a time:
    1. Y13 move to the Chill to be called onto buses.
    2. Yr12 move to SFC1 to be called onto buses.
    3. Y11 exit South Gate and wait in south end of car park to be called onto buses.
    4. Y10 move and wait alongside PE sheds to be called onto buses.
    5. Y9 wait under the Quad canopy.
    6. Y8 move to green gates at edge of the Y8 'bubble' and wait to be called onto buses.
    7. Y7 move to edge of 'bubble' area and wait. Once Y8 are called onto buses, Y7 move to green gates at the edge of the Y8 'bubble'.

First Day Of Term For Students

  1. Students are to enter the School via the correct points - see Maps - and proceed to their 'bubble' area.
  2. All students will receive a full safety briefing. These messages will be reinforced and updated throughout the year.
  3. P1 and P2 will be with Form tutors. P3-P5 will be normal lessons.
  4. There will be no practical PE lessons on the first day. Therefore, PE kit is not required on the first day.


Supporting Student and Parent Wellbeing

  1. Heads of Year and Deputy Heads of Year will be located in, or near, Year group pastoral bases at break and lunch.
  2. Students who require additional pastoral support, beyond that of their Form tutor, should head to their Year group base at break or lunch.
  3. The Student Manager, Mrs Ford, will also be available at the front of School.
  4. The PSHE and tutorial programme will initially focus on the transition back to School and other areas that students may have found particularly challenging over the last 6 months.
  5. Students (and parents) will be directed towards additional resources, where necessary, such as Useful wellbeing resources for students and parents.

Pastoral Bases

  1. Y7: IT1.
  2. Y8: GT2.
  3. Y9: New E9
  4. Y10: GT1.
  5. Y11: Existing HOY Office + Geog 2/3 when required.
  6. Y12: Mrs Everist's Office (+SLS Office when required).
  7. Y13: Sixth Form Admin Office (+SLS Office when required).
  8. See relevant Maps in Section 2.


  1. Pastoral leads may still refer students to our School counsellors.
  2. Sessions will not begin until second full week back at school.
  3. Counsellors will follow Covid-safe guidance and cleaning will take place regularly.


  1. Students will register in form rooms at 08:50 and will then be escorted to their assembly (when all other students should still be in their form rooms).
  2. Students take bags in with them, unless they are being taught in their form room P1.
  3. Y7-9 in the Sports Hall, sitting on the floor and socially distanced. Half a year group at a time.
  4. Y10 and Y11 in the Main Hall, on chairs, half a year group at a time. Students leave one chair gap between each other.
  5. Y12 and Y13 to have virtual assemblies.
  6. No House assemblies.

Behaviour for Learning

  1. Students are expected to be respectful, safe and prepared.
  2. The below additions to our Behaviour for Learning policy apply.
  3. Students are required to follow our covid-safe routines for:
    1. Arrival/departure.
    2. Bubble areas for lessons and at break/lunch, including the use of toilets and water dispensers.
    3. Movement around school, including lesson transitions.
    4. Good hygiene practices.
    5. Maintaining social distancing with people outside their bubble, including with members of staff.
    6. Not sharing personal equipment.
  4. Issues relating to good hygiene practices.
  5. Use of mobile devices in the classroom:
    1. Teachers may make greater use of electronic material; therefore, students should have access to a mobile device in School. Students who were in the School last year should have access to their Microsoft Teams account.
      1. Students are only permitted to use their mobile device if instructed to do so by the teacher.
      2. When permission is granted, students should open the relevant document and place their mobile device on the desk.
      3. Students are not to use their mobile device, in lessons, to communicate with others, unless that is inherent to the task set by the teacher.
      4. Students may only use the camera on their phone if taking a photo of the work and they should ask permission from the teacher beforehand.
      5. Students must not share mobile devices or any other equipment.
    2. Our Bring Your Own Device policy can be found here.
  6. When tutees are in their tutor room at break and lunch they must:
    1. Respect their environment, placing all rubbish in the bins provided.
    2. Remain seated (on a chair, not a desk).
    3. Ensure the room is tidy before leaving (chairs tucked in etc.).
    4. Avoid eating hot food in their tutor room.
    5. Follow any specific conditions set by the tutor e.g. Tuesdays and Thursdays might be quiet work days.
  7. Consequences
    1. Private detentions:
      1. These will be served at the relevant Pastoral Bases, in line with protective measures.
    2. After-school detentions:
      1. After-school detentions may still be issued. Students will be grouped by year group, where possible.
      2. SFC2 will continue to be the venue for after-school detentions.
      3. 2m social distancing will be in place
    3. Unsafe behaviour:
      1. Unsafe behaviour will result in significant consequences. Intentionally jeopardising the safety of another student or member of staff, e.g. deliberately coughing on someone or spitting, is likely to result in an internal suspension or external exclusion.

Use of Tutor Rooms Before School, at Break and Lunch

  1. Tutor rooms for all students, except Y12 who are in Science Labs, will be available before school (after 08:15), at break and lunch. Students may only occupy their own tutor room.


  1. Student access to the Careers Office in the Science Block is by appointment only. To avoid unnecessary mixing during busy periods, appointments should not take place during break or lunch. Access to the Careers Office should be via the middle door to the main foyer.


  1. Full School uniform should be worn by all students.
  2. Uniforms do not need to be cleaned any more often than usual, nor do they need to be cleaned using methods which are different from normal.

PE Kit

  1. The PE changing facilities will not be in use from September; therefore, students are required to attend School in their PE kit on any day where they have a timetabled practical PE lesson.
  2. Students are encouraged to bring additional layers to ensure they are comfortable throughout the day.
  3. Students may also wear a red BGS hooded top (other BGS hooded tops are acceptable e.g. ski trip/drama productions), School jumper/cardigan, blazer or coat in addition to their PE kit. Students will be able to change into alternative footwear such as football boots ahead of sessions on the field.
  4. To help ensure students stay warm throughout the day, if it is not possible for students to wear School tracksuit bottoms then any plain black tracksuit bottoms (or plain black leggings – however, these can only be worn underneath shorts or skort) will be acceptable whilst the changing facilities are not in use.
  5. The PE department will endeavour to keep students dry but it may be prudent for students to bring their School uniform, in their bag, on a wet weather day when they know they are on an outdoor activity.
  6. If Government guidance is relaxed further we may reinstate the use of changing facilities. In such circumstances we will revert to the standard School uniform/PE kit policy with students attending in uniform as normal.

Bags and Lockers

  1. Students may leave their bags in their Form room during break and lunch but they must be collected in time for their next lesson.
  2. Students should take their bag to assembly unless their P1 lesson is in their form room, in which case they can leave it there.
  3. Given the constraints of the 'bubble' system we have taken the decision to temporarily suspend the hiring of lockers for next year. Lockers are not evenly distributed across the School site and relocating them is problematic due to limited space in other areas. In their current locations the majority of students would not be able to access a locker without breaking out of their 'bubble'.
  4. Added 28 08 20 The School uses an external company for the locker hire and a small proportion of parents paid for a locker before the 'bubble' system was planned (and locker hire was suspended). As a result of some payments being made before the suspension, some students may have received a locker key from the company. The School will resolve the issue when it reopens. In the meantime, students should keep hold of the key and affected parents will be updated in due course.

Extra-Curricular Activities

  1. Initially, extra-curricular activities will not take place.
  2. No extra-curricular activity during break/lunch or after-school is permitted until a risk assessment, detailing protective measures, is approved by the DHT-P.
  3. Members of staff will use guidance from After School Clubs.


  1. The DofE Manager will contact the relevant students about future provision.
  2. The Bronze Qualifying Expedition is expected to take place with additional protective measures.

Sporting Fixtures

  1. Guidance from different Governing Bodies is being reviewed and it is hoped that fixtures will resume in the future. It is unlikely that fixtures will take place at the beginning of September.


  1. From September, pupil attendance will be mandatory and the usual rules on attendance will apply.
  2. However, no parent will be penalised for following official public health advice for their child not to attend school.

Peripatetic Music Lessons

  1. It is not possible for peripatetic music lessons to take place on site - venues and cleaning requirements are prohibitive.
  2. LMS have offered to deliver music lessons online - this is only possible outside of school due to issues with rooming and cleaning.
  3. This will be reviewed at the end of Term 1.

Sixth Form

First Day for Students in Y12 New to BGS

  1. New students to the School joining Y12 are invited to come in for a tour on Wednesday 2 September. Invites will be sent directly to individuals in good time.

Supervised Study

  1. Will continue as normal in SFC2 and SFC3.

Venues During Non-Contact Time

  1. Break and lunch:
    1. SFC1 will be used for Y12; however, both years can queue for the SF cafe (1m+) along a central channel.
    2. SFC2(Y12) and SFC3(Y13) will be available at break/lunch. When not in use, Year 13 may use the Main Hall.
    3. Y12 and Y13 may also spend time in their 'bubble' areas during break and lunch (Y12 are not permitted in Science Labs unsupervised).
  2. Before school Y12 and Y13 go directly to bubble areas upon arrival. This includes SFC1/SFC2.
  3. At other times Y12 and Y13 are only to come in for tutor time, lessons and supervised study. They are encouraged to be off-site at other times.
    1. If Y12 students need to remain on site during free periods they may use SFC1. SFC2 may be used, contingent upon there being space.
    2. If Y13 students need to remain on site during free periods they may use the Chill. SFC3 may be used, contingent upon there being space.


  1. Initially, Wednesday afternoon enrichment will not take place. Students are permitted to go home early.
  2. This will be reviewed at regular intervals throughout each term.


  1. See Student Catering.
  2. If leaving the site, students in Y12 will do so via the side gate (north car park gate, where they entered in the morning).
  3. Students in Y12 who return during lunch will do so by the same north car park gate.
  4. Y12 students must sign-out in the Science Block or SFC1.
  5. Y13 students must sign-in/out at reception.

SF Signing In/Out

  1. Fob-in/out machines will be re-programmed so they are contactless.
  2. If Sixth Form students arrive after 08:50 they will need to enter the School via Reception.
  3. Students leaving the site during the school day will do so via reception, other than at lunch where Y12 will leave via the north car park gate.

Tuesday Mornings

  1. These sessions (normally lectures) will become free periods, initially, and students are not expected to be in School during this time. Y12/13 can arrive for their first lesson after P1. Y12 to use SFC1/SFC2 if they need to be in earlier. Y13 to use SFC3 or The Chill if they have to be in earlier.
  2. There is no form time for Sixth Form students on a Tuesday.

Suspected COVID-19 Protocol

  1. If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell, they must be sent home and advised to follow guidance for households with possible Covid-19 infection Stay at Home Guidance.
  2. The School will follow Protective Measures in Education if there is a suspected or positive case.
  3. Anyone who has symptoms, who has someone in their household who does, or who has been informed by NHS Test and Trace that they must self-isolate must not attend School. Symptoms are any of: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell.
    1. Anyone in this position must inform the School immediately, via [email protected], and follow the Stay at Home and Getting Tested guidance.


  1. Students displaying symptoms will be sent the following link: Getting Tested.


  1. Professional cleaners will be on site throughout the day with a thorough cleaning regime every evening.
  2. Cleaning will be in line with Government advice Cleaning in Non-Healthcare Settings Guidance for Schools

Emergency Evacuation

  1. Y12, Y13 and Y9 will assemble on the tennis courts.
  2. Y 7, 8, 10, 11 assemble on the field.
  3. Fire Assembly Points
  4. In the event of an emergency evacuation all persons must use the nearest available exit. This takes priority over maintaining 'bubble' separation and social distancing but two assembly points have been selected to minimise risk.
  5. Once students have vacated the building they should remain outside and proceed directly to their assembly point via the shortest possible route (take note of the entry points to the field).