Administration of Medicine

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1. Aim

This policy aims to:

  1. provide a clear policy and set of procedures which will be understood and accepted by staff, parents and students, and which provide a sound basis for ensuring that students with medical needs receive proper care and support at the School
  2. set out the necessary safety measures to support students with medical needs (including long term or complex needs)
  3. define individual responsibilities for students’ safety
  4. explain the procedures to ensure the safe management of any medications

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Parents/guardians

  1. Parents/guardians are responsible for making sure that their child is well enough to attend the School
  2. Normally any prescribed medication should be administered at home. The School accepts, however, that it may be necessary for some medication to be administered during School hours and, if this is the case, must complete and return the Medicine Consent Form
  3. Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that these details are up to date
  4. Parents are responsible for ensuring that any medicines that need to be administered during the School day are prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner and have the details of the medication and the administration of it clearly set out on the bottle/packet
  5. Where appropriate, parents/guardians should be involved in drawing up a healthcare plan for their child

2.2 The School

  1. No members of staff are obliged to give, or oversee the giving of, medication to students. Only School staff who are authorised and trained in the giving of medication, are authorised to give or oversee the taking of medication.
  2. Given the age group of the student cohort at Bourne Grammar School, the School’s policy is that if a parent wishes to allow their child to bring into School a small amount of over the counter medicine for the purpose of pain relief, then the child is responsible for the safe-keeping of the medicine and for ensuring that it is for personal use only.
  3. The School will only oversee the administration of medicines prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner.
  4. The School is responsible for requesting information concerning details of all students’ medical conditions and treatment/care.
  5. The School will make its own arrangements for administering medication in line with the Government guidance in Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings.

2.3 The Head, is responsible for:

  1. ensuring that appropriate procedures are in place;
  2. ensuring the formulation of individual healthcare plans where necessary;
  3. appointing a School nurse or other appropriately trained staff;
  4. in consultation with the Senior First Aid Officer, for drawing up and implementing emergency medical procedures and first aid arrangements;
  5. ensuring that staff who agree to accept responsibility for administering prescribed medication to a student, have proper guidance;
  6. ensuring that all parents are aware of the School’s policy and procedures for dealing with medical need;
  7. ensuring that a system is in place for keeping staff up-to-date with information and names of students who need access to medication; and
  8. ensuring that arrangements are in place for requesting and receiving information from parents.

2.4 The Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) is responsible for:

  1. putting appropriate arrangements in place in consultation with the nurse;
  2. arranging regular reports from the nurse or person appointed to oversee the taking of medication by students;
  3. ensuring the suitability of the procedures;
  4. implementing a system for keeping staff up-to-date with information and names of students who need access to medication; and
  5. ensuring annually that all staff know how to call for help in an emergency; and
  6. reporting on progress to the head.

2.5 The Student Manager is responsible for:

  1. collating information provided by parents;
  2. administering all prescribed medication;
  3. administering any non-prescription medication;
  4. ensuring the safe storage;
  5. providing School staff with guidance and training for staff and volunteers on medical conditions and how they may affect the education of individual students; and
  6. reporting regularly to the Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral).
  7. A School nurse may be involved, in conjunction with parents/guardians and medical advisers in the formulation of individual health care plans.

2.6 The teachers in charge of particular activities and the School Trip Administrator are responsible for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are made for students with medical needs during:

  1. educational visits/learning outside the classroom
  2. sporting activities

2.7 All staff are responsible for:

  1. knowing the arrangements and following the procedures;
  2. knowing how to call for help in an emergency; and
  3. reporting any problems to the nurse or the person appointed to oversee the administration of medication.

3. Policy on specific medical issues

  1. The School welcomes all students and encourages them to participate fully in all activities.
  2. The School will advise staff on the practical aspects of management of:
    1. asthma attacks;
    2. diabetes;
    3. epilepsy; and
    4. an anaphylactic reaction
  3. The School will keep a record of students who may require such treatment.
  4. The School expects all parents whose children may require such treatment to ensure that appropriate medication has been lodged with the School together with clear guidance on the usage of the medication.

4. Equal Opportunities

  1. In making, reviewing and implementing this policy the School will have regard to its equal opportunities policies, and in particular will have regard to the needs of any student with disabilities.

5. Monitoring and Review

  1. The Head in conjunction with the Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) will determine the monitoring and review arrangements in the School.
  2. The Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) will report on the management and progress of the policy to the Governing body annually.
  3. The Pastoral & Community Committee will review the policy at least every three years, or when it considers it appropriate.

6. Date of the next review

January 2016