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==1. Introduction==
#This is a Governing body policy, which takes into account the Governors’ legal responsibilities as employers and occupants of the School premises, and the guidance in the Department’s [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/drugs-advice-for-schools ‘Drugs: Guidance for Schools’] and 10/95 Protection of Children: the Role of the Education Service, and the guidance in the Department’s Improving Behaviour and Attendance: [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-exclusion Guidance on Exclusions from Schools and Student Referral Units] 2003.
#This is a Governing body policy, which takes into account the Governors’ legal responsibilities as employers and occupants of the School premises, and the guidance in the Department’s [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/drugs-advice-for-schools Drugs: Guidance for Schools]and 10/95 Protection of Children: the Role of the Education Service, and the guidance in the Department’s [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/school-exclusion Improving Behaviour and Attendance: Guidance on Exclusions from Schools and Student Referral Units] 2017.
#The Governors are committed to ensuring that Bourne Grammar School is a healthy School, free from the misuse of drugs and other substances. Illegal drugs should never be in School. Legal drugs are only allowed when they are medicines agreed by the Head for use in School under the Administration of Medicines policy.
#The Governors are committed to ensuring that Bourne Grammar School is a healthy school, free from the misuse of drugs and other substances. Illegal drugs should never be in School. Legal drugs are only allowed when they are medicines agreed by the Headteacher for use in School under the Administration of Medicines policy.
#The Governing Body recognises that drug misuse can have a serious effect on health, wellbeing and academic progress. It is the responsibility of the School to play a role in drug education and to help reduce the harm to students from drugs as well as to help those who misuse drugs, or who are at risk of drug misuse.
#This policy has been shaped specifically for our School and the high standards it seeks to maintain. The National guidance including the DfE and [https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/270169/drug_advice_for_schools.pdf ACPO Drug Advice for Schools] (2012) and statutory [https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/641418/20170831_Exclusion_Stat_guidance_Web_version.pdf Exclusion Guidance] (2017) have been taken into account.

==2. Aim==
==Aims of the policy==
#The policy aims to make clear the School’s approach to the problem of drugs.
#It sets out the Governing body’s policy on drugs education and makes clear the procedures that should be followed in responding to drug-related incidents.
#Give a clear view on the responsibilities of the School and on the legal requirements with regard to drug issues;
#Give guidance to teachers, support staff, parents and visitors about drugs education;
#Give clear direction regarding safeguarding children and young people at risk from drugs;
#Provide information so that everyone is clear about the School’s overall approach to drugs and its procedures should an incident occur.

==3. Responsibilities==
==Links to other policies==
#The Assistant Head (Pastoral) is the Coordinator for Drugs and Other Substances (DSC) and has overall responsibility for the implementation of the policy, for liaison with Governing body and parents, and external agencies as appropriate, and for the training and support of staff.
#The policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies:
#The Assistant Head (Pastoral) must ensure that all students are aware of the policy and its implications.
##[[Health and Safety/Emergencies|Health and Safety/Emergencies]]
#The Head is responsible for liaison with the media when necessary.
##[[Behaviour for Learning|Behaviour for Learning]]
#Drugs and Other Substances Co-ordinator (DSC)
##The DSC will report to the Head and will liaise with a nominated member of the Governing body. He/she will attend relevant meetings of the (appropriate) committee of the Governing body.
##[[Administration_of_Medicine|Administration of Medicines]]
##The DSC’s main responsibility is to co-ordinate the detail of the School’s drugs education programme, to ensure that staff have the relevant skills and to support staff under the Head’s direction, and at the discretion of the Head to give advice to students.
#Nominated Governor:
##This will be the same Governor as the nominated Governor for child protection. He/she will liaise with the DSC as appropriate and will advise the Chair on any urgent action that needs to be taken with regard to drugs education or the misuse of drugs, and will report to the (appropriate) committee of the Governing body, and advise the P&C committee on any action that needs to be taken or referred to the Governing body.
##The nominated Governor will also support the Head’s liaison with parents.
#The P&C committee has the delegated duty to take what action it deems necessary and make a report to the next meeting of the Governing body.
#Chair of the Governing body:
##The Chair of the Governing body in consultation with the Head and nominated Governor is empowered to take any necessary urgent action, and to report this to the next meeting of the Governing body.
#All staff:
##All members of staff must know the School’s policy and attend the relevant briefing sessions.

==4. Definition==
#Legal drugs that should not normally be in School include common ones such as:
#The Deputy Headteacher - Pastoral (DHT-P)
##The DHT-P is the Coordinator for Drugs and Other Substances (DSC) and also the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DHT-P has overall responsibility for:
###the implementation of the policy, for liaison with the Governing Body, parents, external agencies and for the training and the support of staff;
###ensuring that robust multi-agency Early Help Assessments and plans are in place in order to provide additional support for children and young people at risk of drugs misuse;
##over the counter drugs*; and
###ensuring that students, staff and parents are aware of the policy and its implications;
##prescribed drugs (except those agreed by the Head under the [[Administration_of_Medicine|Administration of Medicines policy]])
###coordinating the School’s drugs education programme.
##e-cigarettes and vaping paraphernalia
#Nominated Governor
*Given the age group of the student cohort at Bourne Grammar School, the School’s policy is that if a parent wishes to allow their child to bring into School a small amount of over the counter medicine for the purpose of pain relief, then the child is responsible for the safe-keeping of the medicine and for ensuring that it is for personal use only.
##This will be the same Governor as the nominated Governor for Safeguarding. He/she will liaise with the DHT-P as appropriate and will advise the Chair on any urgent action that needs to be taken with regard to drugs education or the misuse of drugs. They will report to and advise the Pastoral and Community committee on any action that needs to be taken or referred to the Governing body.
#Illegal drugs which must never be in School include the following common ones:
#Chair of the Governing body 
##The Chair of the Governing body in consultation with the Headteacher and nominated Governor is empowered to take any necessary urgent action, and to report this to the next relevant meeting of the Governing body.
#All staff
##All members of staff must know the School’s policy and attend relevant training sessions as directed.
##crack/cocaine; and
#Since 25 January 2009 cannabis has been reclassified as a Class B drug, but the potential penalties are different from the other Class B drugs. Anyone found with a ‘small quantity’ of cannabis is liable to an on-the-spot fine. This change should not affect School attitudes to the drug, which is an illegal substance.

==5. Drugs education==
#The DSC will ensure that there is a planned drugs education programme as part of the PSHE Programme (and other appropriate areas of the curriculum e.g. science). The programme must:
#The definition of drugs used in this policy is the definition given by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: “A substance people take to change the way they feel, think or behave.” This refers to:
#inform students about drugs and their effects;
##Legal drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, volatile substances (solvents) and over-the-counter and prescription medicines;
#promote a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;
##Illegal drugs (those controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971) including ecstasy, cannabis, synthetic cannabinoids, crack/cocaine, ketamine, khat, heroin and LSD
#increase students’ understanding of the health and social implications of the use and misuse of drugs;
##Other drugs such as anabolic steroids, poppers and new psychoactive substances (NPSs, previously known as 'Legal Highs').
#inform students about course of action open to them if they or people they know become, or might become, involved in drugs activity;
#Throughout this policy, the term ‘drugs’ is used to refer to all of the above.
#ensure that students are aware of the existence and content of this policy; and
#‘Drug use’ describes any drug-taking. Any drug use can potentially lead to harm, including through intoxication, breach of the law or School rules, or future health problems.
#inform students about support and resources available in School and outside School.
#‘Drug misuse’ is drug-taking which leads to social, psychological, physical or legal problems through intoxication, regular excessive consumptions and/or dependence.

==6. Action to be taken in incidents involving misuse of drugs==
==Approach to tackling drugs==
It is vitally important the staff, students and parents should be clear about the action that will be taken in any drug related incident.
#Bourne Grammar School takes a whole-school approach to tackling drugs through:
#Staff should ensure that all cases of misuse of drugs, or suspected misuse, are reported to the Head and Assistant Head (Pastoral).
##A planned drugs education programme within PSHE;
#In all instances involving substance misuse or supply on the School’s premises parents will be informed, and their co-operation sought.
##Clear rules and sanctions related to drugs which are communicated in a systematic manner on an annual basis, to the whole-School community;
#The School will consider each drug incident separately and consider the appropriate response, bearing in mind the circumstances of the case, and the need to balance the interests of the student, other members of the School and the wider community.
##Training and support for staff;
#However, the Governors believe that it is essential that parents and students are clear about the normal sanction that will be applied in particular instances, as follows:
##An Early Help response as soon as we, or the young person or their family, have a worry regarding drug-related issues;
##a student who supplies any drugs or other solvents (whether legal or illegal, and regardless of the seriousness of the use) on the School premises will normally be permanently excluded for a first offence. The also includes the supply of substances purporting to be drugs.
##Carefully considered responses to drug-related incidents, both on an individual, and whole-School basis;
##‘Supply’ includes retailing drugs on the premises, communicating with a drug dealer on behalf of another student of the School, introducing fellow students to a drug dealer, and any other instance of procuring legal or illegal drugs for him/herself or other students.
##Access to specialist support and advice when required.
##‘Supply’ includes supplying for money or free-of-charge.
##In the case of the supply of a drug which is legal (including over-the-counter drugs) the Head will assess the seriousness of the incident before deciding whether to exclude permanently or for a fixed period.
#Before making a decision on exclusion the Head will ensure that satisfactory investigation has been carried out.
#a student who has any legal or illegal drug in his/her possession will normally be excluded for a fixed period for a first offence, to be determined by the Head after considering all the circumstances of the case.
#The Head will also determine what counselling needs to be provided and/or other action needs to be taken during or after the exclusion.
#For a second offence the Head will determine whether a further fixed- term exclusion is appropriate, or whether it is appropriate to exclude permanently. In coming to a decision the Head will take into account any medical/police/social service/ drug adviser reports that may be available, and consider whether further counselling is appropriate.
#Where the Head is contemplating exclusion for a drug-related offence he will consult the School’s DSC, and take any other advice he deems appropriate.

==7. Offences outside the School==
==Aims of drug education==
#If a student is involved in a drug-related incident outside the School the Head will assess the implications for the student and the School and determine the best course of action bearing in mind the interests of the student and the interests of the School and wider community and the fact that the incident occurred out of School.
#We aim to give young people accurate information about drugs and help them develop the skills and attitudes to make their own healthy, safe and responsible decisions about drug use. We also aim to reduce the number of young people misusing drugs and to help those concerned about drugs to get help and advice.
#The Head will consult the DSC, and as appropriate the Police Liaison Officer or other agency before making a decision.
#To achieve this, our drugs education programme will help students to:
##Gain knowledge and understanding about the effects and risks and dangers of drugs and correct myths and misconceptions;
##Develop skills to make informed decisions, including communication, self-awareness, negotiation, finding information, help and advice;
##Develop skills to manage situations involving drugs, including assessing and avoiding risks, assertiveness, refusal skills and helping others;
##Explore their own and other peoples’ attitudes to drugs, drug use and drug users, including challenging stereotypes, dispelling myths and exploring media and social influences.

==8. Involvement of the police==
==Training and support for staff==
#Although there is no legal duty to inform the police of any drug incident in the School, the Governors’ policy is that the Head will determine whether to inform the Police Liaison Officer and will seek any relevant support and advice. The Head must be mindful that the Governors cannot knowingly allow the premises to be used for the production or supply of any controlled drug, or the preparation or smoking of cannabis or opium.
#All staff are made aware of the drugs policy at the start of the School year and have access to drugs awareness training and CPD in the form of:
#Where the School suspects that drugs are being sold on the premises all relevant suspicions and information will be passed to the police.
##Staff briefings delivered by the DHT-P;
##External workshops delivered by specialists (for example Drugs Sense UK);
##Resources and briefing papers.
#We take advantage of the support, advice and training provided by Lincolnshire’s ‘Stay Safe Partnership’ and through the local Young Addiction organisation.

==9. Staff training==
==Overview of drugs management==
#The Assistant Head (Pastoral) will ensure that relevant staff (teaching and support staff) receive appropriate training in drug education and the handling of incidents that they might come across. All staff will report suspicions regarding drugs use or supply to the Head of Year and Assistant Head (Pastoral)
#This School does not permit the possession, use of or supply of any drug within the School boundaries, other than medicines agreed by the Headteacher, under the [[Administration of Medicine|Administration of Medicine policy]].
#All staff should know this School policy and be informed of any changes to it.
#This covers on or near the School premises within the School day, on the way to or from School, on School visits, at school events, or whenever a student is representing the School.
#These rules apply equally to staff, students, parents and carers, Governors and those working in or visiting the School.
#In accordance with Safer Working Practice Guidance (2015), this is a smoke-free school and students, staff, parents and visitors are not allowed to smoke on School premises .
#Alcohol is included in points one to three above and this includes Sixth Form students at School social events or on School journeys.
#Staff accompanying students on trips are not permitted to drink when responsible for students. There are occasions when alcohol may be authorised by the Headteacher for staff, such as for some School functions and staff social events.

==10. Monitoring and review==
==Principles of drug-related incidents==
#The P&C committee of the Governing body will receive regular reports on the implementation of the policy.
#At Bourne Grammar School, a drug-related incident refers to any possession, usage or supply of an unauthorised drug, as defined within this policy. Incidents can include emergencies, observations and discovery, disclosure, and concerns that need to be investigated further.
#The Governing body will review the policy annually and will assess its effectiveness and whether any changes are necessary.
#In all drug-related incidents the following principles will apply:
#Any changes will be notified to the staff and parents.
##The Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will be informed immediately;
##All situations will be carefully considered before deciding on a response, bearing in mind the circumstances of the case, and the need to balance the interests of the student, other members of the School and the wider community;
##Permanent exclusion will not be the automatic response, but will be considered carefully after assessing the seriousness of the incident;
##Possession or supply of legal drugs is likely to result in a fixed-term exclusion (external suspension) for a first offence, but could result in a permanent exclusion for subsequent offences, or if the incident is deemed sufficiently serious by the Headteacher;
##Possession or supply of illegal drugs is likely to result in a permanent exclusion for a first offence. However, safeguarding the student and ensuring their entitlement to a full time education is kept in mind; therefore, alternatives to permanent exclusion such as a managed move will be considered and advice from the Local Authority may be sought;
##‘Supply’ includes retailing drugs on the premises, communicating with a drug dealer on behalf of another student of the School, introducing fellow students to a drug dealer, and any other instance of procuring legal or illegal drugs for him/herself or other students;
##Supply includes supplying for money or free-of-charge;
##An Early Help Assessment will be considered to ascertain the support needs for the child and family; and advice will be sought from the Student Reintegration Team (PRT);
##The health and safety needs of the student will always come first, whilst also taking account of the health and safety needs of the School as a whole;
##Parents/carers will be involved at an appropriate time, which might be after searches and an initial assessment;
##When appropriate, a referral will be made for the student to Young Addiction (01522 305768);
##Decisions about the sanction will depend on whether the offence is one of a series, or a first time, and whether the student was in possession or supplying;
##The Headteacher (in consultation with the DHT-P) will ultimately decide the level of sanction and support provided.

==11. Date of next review==
==Procedures for managing an incident==
February 2019
===Reporting a drug-related incident===
#All drug-related incidents are reported, in the first instance, to the Headteacher and DHT-P.
#Although there is no legal obligation to report an incident involving drugs to the Police, the Police will be informed about any incident involving a suspected illegal drug.
#Incidents involving legal drugs will normally be managed within School, although we will contact [email protected] about the sale of any drug to under age students by local shops.
===Recording the drug-related incident===
#In all drug-related incidents, the Headteacher and DHT-P, with the assistance of Heads of Year, will record their findings and actions, including the use of sanctions and support.
#Students involved in a drug-related incident will be given the opportunity to write a statement.
===Medical emergencies when a student is unconscious as a result of drugs use===
#The student will be placed in the recovery position and an ambulance called.
#Staff with first aid qualifications should be called immediately but the student must not be left alone .
#Parents/carers will be informed and called to the School.
#An assessment of the incident will begin without delay to identify the substance and the quantity taken.
===Intoxication or suspected intoxication, when a student is under the influence of a drug===
#The student will be taken to a suitable room and supervised.
#The first aider and DHT-P or Deputy DSL will be called.
#The student will be supported and given reassurance to help them stay calm.
#Medical assistance will be sought if necessary.
#Parents/carers will be informed and called to the School.
#In most cases, the student will be taken home with the absence coded 'C' as a special circumstance.
#This refers to situations when a student is discovered using, supplying or being in possession of a substance that is not permitted on School premises, such as the drugs described in this policy (suspected or confirmed):
##the substance will be confiscated, in the presence of a second member of staff as a witness;
##the sample will be sealed in a plastic bag with details of the date and time of the seizure/find and witness present, and stored in a suitably secure location with access limited to the Head and DHT-P;
##the student(s) will be supervised within a safe space in School and an investigation undertaken, pending any advice from the Police;
##details of the incident will be recorded, including the police incident reference number if it is a suspected illegal drug;
##the student’s parents/carers will be asked to come into School, unless this could put the student at further risk;
##If the substance is legal (but prohibited according to this Policy) it will be disposed of or handed to the parent/carer at the discretion of the School.
Searches will be conducted in accordance with the [[Searching_Students_and_Confiscation_of_Student_Property|Searching Students and Confiscation of Student Property Policy]].
===Dealing with drug-taking materials===
#School site staff make regular checks of the school grounds and know how to deal with drug-taking materials, including needles, in line with health and safety advice.
#Students are required to inform a member of staff of any discovery of drug-taking materials on the School premises.
#Disclosures refers to when a student discloses to a member of staff that he/she has been using drugs, or is concerned about someone else’s drug use.
#In these situations, staff will be non-judgemental and caring and will show concern for the student’s welfare.
#As per any other Safeguarding concern, an Orange BGS Safeguarding Referral Form will be completed and given to the DSL.
#An Early Help Assessment will be undertaken.
#Students know that teachers cannot promise total confidentiality if further support is to be considered such as referral to a drug service or the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
#Information about the student will only be given to key staff on a need to know basis.
#The DSL will coordinate the most appropriate support including referral to specialist services.
#Staff should not assume use of drugs on the basis of rumours alone.
#However, if (under the guidance of the DSL) there is a suspicion, an assessment will take place and a decision made to question the student(s) involved and further action may follow.
==Intoxicated Parents/Carers==
The School’s rules for drugs apply to all people who are on the school premises and we expect that parents/carers will adhere to these rules. If a parent/carer comes to School and appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will be asked to leave. If they have come to collect their child, we will sensitively offer to phone for someone else to collect. If we are concerned that a student is in imminent danger, we will contact emergency services on 999. We will also follow our Safeguarding procedures if we are concerned about risk of harm.
==Needs of students==
We are sensitive to the needs of students whose parent/carers or family members have problems
with drugs. Where problems are observed or suspected or a student discloses problems, we will
assess the students’ welfare and support needs, and if required, involve external support for the child and, where appropriate, for the family. This will be done via an Early Help Assessment.
==Working with parents/carers==
#We believe that parents/carers have an important role in supporting their child’s drug education. We encourage parents to share any concerns they have about their son or daughter to enable us to provide the most effective support.
#We will share this policy with parents via the School's website and provide further information/advice where appropriate.
==Ownership and Date of next review==
#Policy owned by: Pastoral and Community committee.
#Last reviewed and approved on 2 March 2022.
#Next review due: March 2024, or sooner if there is a change in Government guidance.

Latest revision as of 10:58, 8 October 2022


  1. This is a Governing body policy, which takes into account the Governors’ legal responsibilities as employers and occupants of the School premises, and the guidance in the Department’s ‘Drugs: Guidance for Schools’ and 10/95 Protection of Children: the Role of the Education Service, and the guidance in the Department’s Improving Behaviour and Attendance: Guidance on Exclusions from Schools and Student Referral Units 2017.
  2. The Governors are committed to ensuring that Bourne Grammar School is a healthy school, free from the misuse of drugs and other substances. Illegal drugs should never be in School. Legal drugs are only allowed when they are medicines agreed by the Headteacher for use in School under the Administration of Medicines policy.
  3. The Governing Body recognises that drug misuse can have a serious effect on health, wellbeing and academic progress. It is the responsibility of the School to play a role in drug education and to help reduce the harm to students from drugs as well as to help those who misuse drugs, or who are at risk of drug misuse.
  4. This policy has been shaped specifically for our School and the high standards it seeks to maintain. The National guidance including the DfE and ACPO Drug Advice for Schools (2012) and statutory Exclusion Guidance (2017) have been taken into account.

Aims of the policy


  1. Give a clear view on the responsibilities of the School and on the legal requirements with regard to drug issues;
  2. Give guidance to teachers, support staff, parents and visitors about drugs education;
  3. Give clear direction regarding safeguarding children and young people at risk from drugs;
  4. Provide information so that everyone is clear about the School’s overall approach to drugs and its procedures should an incident occur.

Links to other policies

  1. The policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies:
    1. Health and Safety/Emergencies
    2. Behaviour for Learning
    3. Safeguarding
    4. Administration of Medicines


  1. The Deputy Headteacher - Pastoral (DHT-P)
    1. The DHT-P is the Coordinator for Drugs and Other Substances (DSC) and also the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DHT-P has overall responsibility for:
      1. the implementation of the policy, for liaison with the Governing Body, parents, external agencies and for the training and the support of staff;
      2. ensuring that robust multi-agency Early Help Assessments and plans are in place in order to provide additional support for children and young people at risk of drugs misuse;
      3. ensuring that students, staff and parents are aware of the policy and its implications;
      4. coordinating the School’s drugs education programme.
  2. Nominated Governor
    1. This will be the same Governor as the nominated Governor for Safeguarding. He/she will liaise with the DHT-P as appropriate and will advise the Chair on any urgent action that needs to be taken with regard to drugs education or the misuse of drugs. They will report to and advise the Pastoral and Community committee on any action that needs to be taken or referred to the Governing body.
  3. Chair of the Governing body
    1. The Chair of the Governing body in consultation with the Headteacher and nominated Governor is empowered to take any necessary urgent action, and to report this to the next relevant meeting of the Governing body.
  4. All staff
    1. All members of staff must know the School’s policy and attend relevant training sessions as directed.


  1. The definition of drugs used in this policy is the definition given by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: “A substance people take to change the way they feel, think or behave.” This refers to:
    1. Legal drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, volatile substances (solvents) and over-the-counter and prescription medicines;
    2. Illegal drugs (those controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971) including ecstasy, cannabis, synthetic cannabinoids, crack/cocaine, ketamine, khat, heroin and LSD
    3. Other drugs such as anabolic steroids, poppers and new psychoactive substances (NPSs, previously known as 'Legal Highs').
  2. Throughout this policy, the term ‘drugs’ is used to refer to all of the above.
  3. ‘Drug use’ describes any drug-taking. Any drug use can potentially lead to harm, including through intoxication, breach of the law or School rules, or future health problems.
  4. ‘Drug misuse’ is drug-taking which leads to social, psychological, physical or legal problems through intoxication, regular excessive consumptions and/or dependence.

Approach to tackling drugs

  1. Bourne Grammar School takes a whole-school approach to tackling drugs through:
    1. A planned drugs education programme within PSHE;
    2. Clear rules and sanctions related to drugs which are communicated in a systematic manner on an annual basis, to the whole-School community;
    3. Training and support for staff;
    4. An Early Help response as soon as we, or the young person or their family, have a worry regarding drug-related issues;
    5. Carefully considered responses to drug-related incidents, both on an individual, and whole-School basis;
    6. Access to specialist support and advice when required.

Aims of drug education

  1. We aim to give young people accurate information about drugs and help them develop the skills and attitudes to make their own healthy, safe and responsible decisions about drug use. We also aim to reduce the number of young people misusing drugs and to help those concerned about drugs to get help and advice.
  2. To achieve this, our drugs education programme will help students to:
    1. Gain knowledge and understanding about the effects and risks and dangers of drugs and correct myths and misconceptions;
    2. Develop skills to make informed decisions, including communication, self-awareness, negotiation, finding information, help and advice;
    3. Develop skills to manage situations involving drugs, including assessing and avoiding risks, assertiveness, refusal skills and helping others;
    4. Explore their own and other peoples’ attitudes to drugs, drug use and drug users, including challenging stereotypes, dispelling myths and exploring media and social influences.

Training and support for staff

  1. All staff are made aware of the drugs policy at the start of the School year and have access to drugs awareness training and CPD in the form of:
    1. Staff briefings delivered by the DHT-P;
    2. External workshops delivered by specialists (for example Drugs Sense UK);
    3. Resources and briefing papers.
  2. We take advantage of the support, advice and training provided by Lincolnshire’s ‘Stay Safe Partnership’ and through the local Young Addiction organisation.

Overview of drugs management

  1. This School does not permit the possession, use of or supply of any drug within the School boundaries, other than medicines agreed by the Headteacher, under the Administration of Medicine policy.
  2. This covers on or near the School premises within the School day, on the way to or from School, on School visits, at school events, or whenever a student is representing the School.
  3. These rules apply equally to staff, students, parents and carers, Governors and those working in or visiting the School.
  4. In accordance with Safer Working Practice Guidance (2015), this is a smoke-free school and students, staff, parents and visitors are not allowed to smoke on School premises .
  5. Alcohol is included in points one to three above and this includes Sixth Form students at School social events or on School journeys.
  6. Staff accompanying students on trips are not permitted to drink when responsible for students. There are occasions when alcohol may be authorised by the Headteacher for staff, such as for some School functions and staff social events.

Principles of drug-related incidents

  1. At Bourne Grammar School, a drug-related incident refers to any possession, usage or supply of an unauthorised drug, as defined within this policy. Incidents can include emergencies, observations and discovery, disclosure, and concerns that need to be investigated further.
  2. In all drug-related incidents the following principles will apply:
    1. The Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will be informed immediately;
    2. All situations will be carefully considered before deciding on a response, bearing in mind the circumstances of the case, and the need to balance the interests of the student, other members of the School and the wider community;
    3. Permanent exclusion will not be the automatic response, but will be considered carefully after assessing the seriousness of the incident;
    4. Possession or supply of legal drugs is likely to result in a fixed-term exclusion (external suspension) for a first offence, but could result in a permanent exclusion for subsequent offences, or if the incident is deemed sufficiently serious by the Headteacher;
    5. Possession or supply of illegal drugs is likely to result in a permanent exclusion for a first offence. However, safeguarding the student and ensuring their entitlement to a full time education is kept in mind; therefore, alternatives to permanent exclusion such as a managed move will be considered and advice from the Local Authority may be sought;
    6. ‘Supply’ includes retailing drugs on the premises, communicating with a drug dealer on behalf of another student of the School, introducing fellow students to a drug dealer, and any other instance of procuring legal or illegal drugs for him/herself or other students;
    7. Supply includes supplying for money or free-of-charge;
    8. An Early Help Assessment will be considered to ascertain the support needs for the child and family; and advice will be sought from the Student Reintegration Team (PRT);
    9. The health and safety needs of the student will always come first, whilst also taking account of the health and safety needs of the School as a whole;
    10. Parents/carers will be involved at an appropriate time, which might be after searches and an initial assessment;
    11. When appropriate, a referral will be made for the student to Young Addiction (01522 305768);
    12. Decisions about the sanction will depend on whether the offence is one of a series, or a first time, and whether the student was in possession or supplying;
    13. The Headteacher (in consultation with the DHT-P) will ultimately decide the level of sanction and support provided.

Procedures for managing an incident

Reporting a drug-related incident

  1. All drug-related incidents are reported, in the first instance, to the Headteacher and DHT-P.
  2. Although there is no legal obligation to report an incident involving drugs to the Police, the Police will be informed about any incident involving a suspected illegal drug.
  3. Incidents involving legal drugs will normally be managed within School, although we will contact [email protected] about the sale of any drug to under age students by local shops.

Recording the drug-related incident

  1. In all drug-related incidents, the Headteacher and DHT-P, with the assistance of Heads of Year, will record their findings and actions, including the use of sanctions and support.
  2. Students involved in a drug-related incident will be given the opportunity to write a statement.

Medical emergencies when a student is unconscious as a result of drugs use

  1. The student will be placed in the recovery position and an ambulance called.
  2. Staff with first aid qualifications should be called immediately but the student must not be left alone .
  3. Parents/carers will be informed and called to the School.
  4. An assessment of the incident will begin without delay to identify the substance and the quantity taken.

Intoxication or suspected intoxication, when a student is under the influence of a drug

  1. The student will be taken to a suitable room and supervised.
  2. The first aider and DHT-P or Deputy DSL will be called.
  3. The student will be supported and given reassurance to help them stay calm.
  4. Medical assistance will be sought if necessary.
  5. Parents/carers will be informed and called to the School.
  6. In most cases, the student will be taken home with the absence coded 'C' as a special circumstance.


  1. This refers to situations when a student is discovered using, supplying or being in possession of a substance that is not permitted on School premises, such as the drugs described in this policy (suspected or confirmed):
    1. the substance will be confiscated, in the presence of a second member of staff as a witness;
    2. the sample will be sealed in a plastic bag with details of the date and time of the seizure/find and witness present, and stored in a suitably secure location with access limited to the Head and DHT-P;
    3. the student(s) will be supervised within a safe space in School and an investigation undertaken, pending any advice from the Police;
    4. details of the incident will be recorded, including the police incident reference number if it is a suspected illegal drug;
    5. the student’s parents/carers will be asked to come into School, unless this could put the student at further risk;
    6. If the substance is legal (but prohibited according to this Policy) it will be disposed of or handed to the parent/carer at the discretion of the School.


Searches will be conducted in accordance with the Searching Students and Confiscation of Student Property Policy.

Dealing with drug-taking materials

  1. School site staff make regular checks of the school grounds and know how to deal with drug-taking materials, including needles, in line with health and safety advice.
  2. Students are required to inform a member of staff of any discovery of drug-taking materials on the School premises.


  1. Disclosures refers to when a student discloses to a member of staff that he/she has been using drugs, or is concerned about someone else’s drug use.
  2. In these situations, staff will be non-judgemental and caring and will show concern for the student’s welfare.
  3. As per any other Safeguarding concern, an Orange BGS Safeguarding Referral Form will be completed and given to the DSL.
  4. An Early Help Assessment will be undertaken.
  5. Students know that teachers cannot promise total confidentiality if further support is to be considered such as referral to a drug service or the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
  6. Information about the student will only be given to key staff on a need to know basis.
  7. The DSL will coordinate the most appropriate support including referral to specialist services.


  1. Staff should not assume use of drugs on the basis of rumours alone.
  2. However, if (under the guidance of the DSL) there is a suspicion, an assessment will take place and a decision made to question the student(s) involved and further action may follow.

Intoxicated Parents/Carers

The School’s rules for drugs apply to all people who are on the school premises and we expect that parents/carers will adhere to these rules. If a parent/carer comes to School and appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will be asked to leave. If they have come to collect their child, we will sensitively offer to phone for someone else to collect. If we are concerned that a student is in imminent danger, we will contact emergency services on 999. We will also follow our Safeguarding procedures if we are concerned about risk of harm.

Needs of students

We are sensitive to the needs of students whose parent/carers or family members have problems with drugs. Where problems are observed or suspected or a student discloses problems, we will assess the students’ welfare and support needs, and if required, involve external support for the child and, where appropriate, for the family. This will be done via an Early Help Assessment.

Working with parents/carers

  1. We believe that parents/carers have an important role in supporting their child’s drug education. We encourage parents to share any concerns they have about their son or daughter to enable us to provide the most effective support.
  2. We will share this policy with parents via the School's website and provide further information/advice where appropriate.

Ownership and Date of next review

  1. Policy owned by: Pastoral and Community committee.
  2. Last reviewed and approved on 2 March 2022.
  3. Next review due: March 2024, or sooner if there is a change in Government guidance.