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This policy complies with the statutory requirement laid out in the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 0-25 years (the ‘Code’) and has been written with reference to the following guidance and documents:

  1. Equality Act 2010: advice for Schools (DfE June 2018)
  2. The SEND Code of Practice (April 2020)
  3. Schools SEN Information Report Regulations (2014)
  4. Statutory Guidance on Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions (August 2017)
  5. The National Curriculum (December 2014)
  6. The School's Safeguarding Policy
  7. The School's Accessibility Plan
  8. The Teachers' Standards (July 2011)
  9. This policy has been created by the School’s SENCO in liaison with the Leadership Team.
  10. Bourne Grammar School selects its students on the results of two standardised tests comprising of one verbal-reasoning and one non-verbal reasoning test. These are designed to test each student’s potential; they do not test for present ability and systems of support need to be in place to deal with students who should be able to move in and out of them according to their needs. The support our students need varies greatly and includes those with physical disabilities, those with low spelling or reading ages or with poor reading comprehension skills and those who are gifted and talented.
  11. We regard learning support as a whole-school issue and therefore the responsibility of each teacher.
  12. We aim to support all our students to enable them to fulfil their potential across the curriculum.


  1. To identify students with difficulties as soon as possible in order to provide, subject to the constraints we inevitably face, effective support for them.
  2. To ensure that provision for the Academically Most Able (AMA) is kept at the heart of the School’s agenda for developing learning and teaching by working with individual members of staff, faculties and departments, disseminating information, offering advice and encouraging best practice in the identification, monitoring and appropriate provision for able, gifted and talented students.
  3. To encourage, through staff development, increased knowledge and skills to meet individual students’ needs within the classroom, helping to ensure quality teaching first to support students with SEN.


  1. A pupil has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.
  2. They have a learning difficulty or disability if they have:
    1. A significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
    2. A disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools
  3. Special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools.


  1. The SEND team will be responsible for maintaining a current list of students who have been identified as needing learning support. The location of this information is given to all teaching staff at the beginning of September and is updated as required during the academic year.
  2. SEND students will be taught as part of a mainstream class. Teaching assistants may be deployed if possible to support the teaching and learning of the SEND students.
  3. The SEND team will be available when necessary to offer additional guidance on how any reasonable adjustments can be implemented for the students identified on the SEND register.
  4. Wherever possible, students with Special Educational Needs will be taught and always subject to availability as part of a mainstream class; Teaching Assistants may be deployed, as appropriate, to support their teaching and learning. Some students, however, may at times require more specialised teaching which can be better provided within a small group situation, away from the main classroom.

Identification of students

  1. Students' with SEN may be identified in a number of ways:
    1. Early identification of students with special educational needs and those in possession of an Education and Healthcare Plan;
    2. Reference to Key Stage 2 Results
    3. Reference to primary transfer documents and liaison with feeder Schools during Year 6, initially (by Head of Year 7) with a follow up visit by the SEND staff if necessary;
    4. Enabling all staff to meet identified pupil needs and to help them keep up-to-date with developments in the area of Special Educational Needs;
    5. Making the curriculum accessible to all students through recognising the need for differentiation and employing a range of teaching styles;
    6. By liaison with parents and outside agencies;
    7. Referral by staff.
  2. Whilst Special Educational Needs are the responsibility of all staff, this work is managed by the SENCO, Mr Rhys Baker. He is supported by Mrs Nicola Smith as SEND Administrator and a small number of Teaching Assistants, who deliver one-to-one support to students with EHCPs.


  1. The SENCO, supported by the SEND Administrator, is responsible for
    1. preparation and review (for the Governing Body) of the Special Educational Needs policy;
    2. overseeing the day-to-day operation of the Special Educational Needs policy and special needs resources;
    3. identification and assessment of students' needs (including screening tests, monitoring and evaluation);
    4. analysing data from a variety of sources to ensure that all students on the SEND register make reasonable progress;
    5. formulating and maintaining the Special Needs Register; placing students at the appropriate stage: SEN Support or Education and Healthcare Plan;
    6. ensuring files are kept up-to-date;
    7. co-ordinating provision for students with SEN;
    8. receiving and collating reports from staff on students with SEN from Form Tutors, Subject Teachers, Heads of Year and Subject Leaders;
    9. monitoring and reviewing all Annual Reviews and Transition Plans; organising and attending SEN Support and Annual Review meetings;
    10. liaison with parents, outside agencies and primary Schools;
    11. arranging up in-class support and withdrawal programmes;
    12. advising on all aspects of differentiation, teaching and learning styles and resourcing;
    13. contributing, as required, to departmental meetings;
    14. planning and delivering the SEND in-service training of staff, Teaching Assistant induction programmes; Teaching Assistant-specific CPD programmes;
    15. liaison with the School’s Examinations Officer regarding submissions for special arrangements;
    16. financial management and monitoring of all Education and Healthcare Plan funding, reporting directly to the Headteacher;
    17. the daily management and deployment of Teaching Assistants funded by SEND monies;
    18. appointment of suitably-qualified Teaching Assistants.
  2. The role necessitates regularly:
    1. working in conjunction with subject teachers, Subject Leaders and Heads of Year.
    2. working in conjunction with the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

To support this work, Subject Leaders have the responsibility for

  1. monitoring implementation of this Special Education Needs and Disability policy within their department
  2. ensuring differentiation in schemes of work
  3. ensuring effective use of Teaching Assistants, when present, in their subject areas
  4. ensuring discussion of students with SEND at departmental meetings
  5. liaison with the SENCO in relation to parental issues
  6. ensuring policy documents define departmental policy for meeting the needs of SEND students

All subject teachers have the responsibility to

  1. be aware of the School’s SEND policy and procedures;
  2. identify students requiring support in their classes and consult SEND staff for advice and/or support;
  3. differentiate activities for all students;
  4. monitor individual progress;
  5. raise initial concerns about a student at departmental meetings;
  6. Use any Teaching Assistant appropriately within the classroom, ensuring that a good working relationship is maintained.

All form tutors have the responsibility for

  1. Monitoring individual progress through Tracking data, comments from support staff and teaching staff;
  2. Liaise with Heads of Year, to formulate, monitor and review student progress;
  3. Helping to liaise with parents.

Responsibilities of the Governing Body

  1. Ensure that the SEND policy is available, on request, to those in receipt of the prospectus and is included on the School policy webpage;
  2. report annually on the impact of the SEND policy;
  3. to appoint a Governor with specific responsibility for SEND.

The Headteacher

The Headteacher maintains overall responsibility for all Special Educational Needs matters.

Types of support given

  1. Students are supported in class, and at times in the learning support area.
  2. Those students who have considerable difficulty with spelling and/or reading comprehension will be identified and supported by dedicated Literacy Co-ordinator.
  3. Students who require additional support due to repetitive behavioural issues will have their support overseen by SENCO and the relevant Head of Year.
  4. Provision for Academically Most Able students is through departments. Enrichment opportunities for students available beyond the classroom.


  1. Evidence from Tracking data, teachers' comments and personal observation are used as part of the ongoing process. Departments work closely with the Heads of Year, especially as they compile lists of students who may need additional support.

Working with the Code of Practice

  1. The School classifies support by two stages recognised by the Code. Students are placed at SEN Support and may be removed entirely from the register depending on their progress. The SENCO holds regular formal reviews with parents and additional professionals are invited to attend to discuss EHCPs.

External Support Agencies

  1. The SENCO will endeavour to meet during the year with external agency personnel, so that guidance may be sought on various issues as they arise.
  2. Other agencies we have contact with periodically include the Sensory Education and Support Team, Education Welfare Officer, Working together team and Community Paediatrician.

Parental Involvement

  1. Parents are informed of the help their child is receiving.
  2. Parents are always asked for their written permission before a student is referred to an outside agency. Letters always invite parents to contact the School if they have concerns or need further information.
  3. Parents are given copies of the report and written details of the Learning Support arrangements for their son/daughter when the outcome of testing is known.

Implementation and working practices

  1. Wherever possible, Special Needs are identified upon admission. When students join during the School year, the SENCO works directly with the Admissions Officer to ensure that a full discussion with parents and any other relevant agencies gives us as much information as possible about the specific needs of any new pupil. All Special Needs information available to us is shared with colleagues within the first two weeks of a student joining us.
  2. Normal procedure, prior to Secondary transfer, involves SEND information being requested from the feeder primary Schools. The SENCO or SEND Administrator may visit each School to discuss with staff the progress of students with SEND. Assessments are made of students’ difficulties on this or subsequent visits. Students’ needs are also identified through discussion with parents and other information subsequently shared through medical records.
  3. Additional visits to Bourne Grammar School are also made by transferring SEND students if thought necessary or are requested.
  4. The SENCO will provide staff with information which will aid the students' induction each September.
  5. Students with an Education and Healthcare Plan are listed in the SEND Register. Copies are given to all staff and the Governor responsible for SEND. Their plans are held in the SEND Administrator’s office and securely on the School network - these can be accessed by staff at any time. The learning difficulties of individual plan-holding students are summarised on their SEN register entry; these are reviewed on a regular basis.
  6. To ensure an inclusive learning environment, individual subject teachers will provide the support required for both the more and less able student largely by the provision of differentiated material. They are invited to consult the SENCO and SEND Administrator on methods of adapting the content and delivery of their lessons to meet the needs of students with SEND.
  7. Teaching Assistant support, where available, is timetabled judiciously to support students with SEND. Some students with Education and Healthcare Plans have dedicated teaching assistants.
  8. In our School we try to ensure that all students have access to the full curriculum by adjusting:
    1. teaching style
    2. presentation of task
    3. the difficulty of the tasks given
    4. the amount of initial teacher input
    5. the amount of adult support
    6. differentiated or personalised materials
    7. the ways in which our students can respond and give evidence for their learning, e.g. use of laptop, electronic device to photograph the whiteboard, more structured worksheets, etc
    8. the groupings within the classroom
  9. Where students receive in-class support, Teaching Assistants, where available, try to help all students in the class whilst still ensuring identified individuals obtain the help necessary to participate fully in the lesson. In this way, SEND students do not feel isolated. Similarly, where students are given differentiated tasks, all teachers are sensitive to the feelings of those students and aim to ensure that students do not suffer embarrassment. All Teaching Assistants aim to work towards reducing the level of support given to students by moving them towards increasing independence.
  10. Arrangements are made for students on the SEND Register to receive appropriate support for end of unit tests and internal exams, this may include additional time, a reader, help with writing, etc. After consulting with the Examinations Officer, an application may be made for those who have diagnosed conditions or an Education and Healthcare Plan for consideration of additional time or special arrangements for external examinations.

Assessment within SEND

  1. The following methods/tests may be used in partnership with third party professionals to help us assess and monitor the special educational needs of our students.
  2. NOTE: The links below are for information purposes only; the tests in question are typically supplied to the School by 3rd party professionals (e.g. a GP, paediatric consultant or an exams access arrangements assessor) who administrate the tests and interpret the results.
    1. Visual Ability: Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT)
    2. Reading: The York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC) Secondary Test:
    3. Single Word Reading Test (SWRT).
    4. Reading: Weschler Individual Achievement Test 2nd edition for Teachers (wiat-IIUK-T) Word
    5. Reading (single word reading assessment)
    6. Reading Efficiency: Test of Word Reading Efficiency 2nd Edition (TOWRE 2)
    7. Text Reading: The York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC) Secondary
    8. Spelling: Weschler Individual Achievement Test 2nd edition for Teachers (wiat-IIUK-T)
    9. Writing Speed: Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH) VISUAL Memory:
    10. Auditory Memory & Auditory Working Memory: Test of Memory and Learning – 2nd Edition (TOMAL-2)
    11. Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)

Staff Development

  1. Bourne Grammar School's teaching and support staff are given opportunities to attend relevant courses provided by outside agencies to update skills and knowledge in SEND when required.
  2. Training needs are identified through departmental reviews and at Whole-School level via departmental development plans.
  3. Staff training also happens informally through the day-to-day contacts between teaching staff and formally in the following ways:
    1. induction of new staff and newly qualified teachers
    2. training of Teaching Assistants
    3. SEN support meetings.


  1. To enable continuity of learning from primary to secondary School, we maintain close links with our feeder primaries. When a pupil transfers from primary or between secondary Schools, the SEND file is passed to the SENCO who disseminates information. Outside agencies are used when it is appropriate.
  2. The SENCO and Heads of Year notify and involve parents when the School first becomes concerned about a pupil’s learning development and keep them updated throughout the various stages of review.
  3. Teachers value the opportunity to listen to parents’ concerns and discuss their child’s progress. Parents are invited to contact the SENCO with SEND issues.

Complaints Procedure

  1. If a parent has a concern that has apparently not been noted in School they should, in the first instance, contact the SENCO.
  2. If the concern is not resolved to the satisfaction of the parent or SENCO it will be directed to the Headteacher.
  3. If a concern is not resolved it may be necessary, and parents have the right to ask, for an examination of the complaint by the Governing Body.
  4. Details of whom to contact within the County Council can be found in the SEND Family Support Directory found on the website for Lincolnshire County Council.
  5. The SEND Tribunal considers appeals against the decisions of the County Council about a pupil’s Education and Healthcare Plan. (SEND Tribunal, 1st Floor, Darlington Magistrates Court Parkgate, Darlington, DL1 1RU)

Criteria for Success

  1. In meeting the needs of the children with SEN, the policy is effective when:
    1. students are quickly identified and assessed
    2. a complete and accurate register is kept of students receiving help
    3. students are placed at the relevant stage and there is evidence of appropriate movement between the stages
    4. staff are confident in dealing with students with special educational needs in their lessons
    5. there is evidence of integration and students have access to the whole curriculum
    6. there is evidence of differentiation within the ordinary classroom
    7. there is evidence of improvement of basic skills
    8. students achieve to the best of their ability
    9. support staff are deployed effectively and efficiently
    10. outside agencies are contacted as soon as it is deemed necessary
    11. the atmosphere is one in which students' individual differences are recognised and valued
    12. parents are involved early in helping their child overcome difficulties

Ownership and Date of next review

  1. Policy owned by: Pastoral and Community committee.
  2. Last reviewed and approved on: 11 October 2023
  3. Next review due: October 2024.