Start of Term Arrangements for Students Sept 2021

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  1. This document provides an overview of the routines in place from September 2021.
  2. The School will keep these measures under review and continue to be guided by the latest Government advice.

What is the School doing to reduce the risk of Covid-19 being transmitted?

  1. The School continues to implement the following protective measures, in line with the latest DfE Operational Guidance for Schools.
  2. Staff and students should not come into School if they have symptoms, have had a positive test result or there are other reasons requiring them to stay at home due to the risk of them passing on COVID-19 (for example, if they are required to quarantine after travelling overseas).
  3. If anyone develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus they must inform the School. If they are in School they will be sent home.
  4. All pupils and staff travelling back to England must adhere to travel legislation, details of which are set out in government travel advice.
  5. Everyone should wash hands more often than usual, particularly after arriving at school, touching face, blowing nose, sneezing or coughing, and before eating or handling food. Hand sanitiser will be provided in each classroom and at major entry/exit points.
  6. The ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach still applies:
    1. Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze. If one is not available, sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not into your hand. Dispose of tissues into a disposable rubbish bag and immediately clean your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser.
  7. An appropriate cleaning schedule will be in place (three additional cleaners will be on site throughout each day)
    1. This will include regular cleaning of areas and equipment, with a particular focus on frequently touched surfaces.
    2. As a minimum, frequently touched surfaces will be wiped down twice a day, and one of these will be at the beginning or the end of the working day.
  8. Natural ventilation via windows or vents will be used as far as is possible, in addition to opening internal doors to assist with throughput of air.
  9. Students are still expected to wear face-coverings on public and dedicated school transport.
  10. The School has an effective outbreak management plan and risk assessment.

What are some of the main changes to the Covid-19 protective measures this year?

  1. Separate 'bubbles' are are no longer in place, including at break and lunch.
  2. Close contacts will now be identified via NHS Test and Trace and not the School.
  3. Children under the age of 18 years old will no longer be required to self-isolate if they are a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case.
  4. Instead, children will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace, informed they have been in close contact with a positive case and advised to take a PCR test.
  5. 18-year-olds will be treated in the same way as children until 4 months after their 18th birthday, to allow them the opportunity to get fully vaccinated. At which point, they will be subject to the same rules as adults and so if they choose not to get vaccinated, they will need to self-isolate if identified as a close contact.
  6. All students will be offered two on-site lateral flow device tests, 3 to 5 days apart, on their return.
  7. After the initial on-site testing, students should undertake twice-weekly home tests until the end of September. The Government will then advise schools on whether further testing is required.
  8. Face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors either in classrooms or in communal areas.

Updated Maps

  1. Ground Floor Map September 2021
  2. First Floor Map September 2021
  3. Science Block Map September 2021
  4. Entrance Points September 2021

Structure of the Day and Transitions

All students move to their next lesson on the bell.

Students should move through corridors on the left-hand-side wherever possible.

08:50 - 09:10 REGISTRATION


09:15 - 10:15 PERIOD 1


10:20 - 11:20 PERIOD 2

11:20 - 11:40 BREAK

11:40 - 12:40 PERIOD 3

12:40 - 13:30 LUNCH

13:30 - 14:30 PERIOD 4


14:35 - 15:35 PERIOD 5

Student Arrival

  1. Students must arrive in time to be in their form rooms for registration at 08:50.
  2. The School is open to students from 08:15.
  3. Year 7 students enter through Reception at the front of School. All other students enter through the middle gates. See Entrance Points September 2021.

Student Departure

  1. Students are dismissed at 15:35 and should leave the site or board their bus, without delay, unless they are attending an extra-curricular club.


  1. Delaine Buses will follow Government Guidance on Transport to School.
  2. All students, unless they are exempt, are still expected to wear a face-covering when travelling by public transport or dedicated school transport
  3. For further information follow Delaine Buses - Student Advice or contact Delaine Buses. Tel: 01778 422866, [email protected].

Student Areas at Break and Lunch

  1. Students are encouraged to spend break and lunch outside, whenever possible.
  2. Students may only spend time in their own Form room at break and lunch with the express permission of their Form Tutor. Form Tutors are responsible for the behaviour and conduct of their tutees during this time. Food and drink should not be consumed in Form rooms - outdoor eating areas and indoor seating at each food outlet should be used instead.
  3. The corridors should be kept clear at break and lunch.
  4. Students may access the Chill, Gecko, or Plaza to purchase food (Year 12/13 may also use the Sixth Form Café).
  5. The tennis courts may only be used by KS4 students, but all other outdoor areas can be used by any age group, including the field, weather permitting.

Use of the Field at Lunch

  1. All age groups may use the field at lunch, weather permitting.
  2. There are no 'bubble' areas.
  3. Footballs will be provided and students are reminded to be safe and respectful at all times.

Student Catering

  1. Students may purchase food from the Chill, Gecko and Plaza. Sixth Form students may use the Sixth Form Café where contactless payments are encouraged. Sixth Form students may also leave the site to purchase food.
  2. From September 2021 all food is available 'on demand'. Pre-ordering is no longer possible.
  3. Students/parents should ensure accounts are topped up electronically; however, a limited number of top-up points are available for students to use in School if needed.
  4. New students who are joining the School are asked to bring packed lunch for the first week whilst cashless catering accounts are created.



  1. Heads of Year and Deputy Heads of Year are situated in Pastoral Bases across the site. Students can access support in these areas or may see Mrs Ford, Student Manager, or a member of the Sixth Form team.
  2. Pastoral Bases can be located on the maps.


  1. The assembly schedule will be published at the beginning of each term. This will include LT assemblies, HOY assemblies, House assemblies and sessions with external speakers.
  2. Students will register in form rooms at 08:50 and will then be escorted to their assembly in the Main Hall or Drama Studio.
  3. Students should take bags in with them, unless they are being taught in their Form room P1.

Behaviour for Learning

  1. Students are expected to be respectful, safe and prepared at all times.
  2. The below additions to our Behaviour for Learning policy apply.
  3. Students are required to follow all covid-related routines.
  4. Use of mobile devices in the classroom:
      1. Students are only permitted to use their mobile device if instructed to do so by the teacher.
      2. When permission is granted, students should open the relevant document and place their mobile device on the desk.
      3. Students are not to use their mobile device to communicate with others, unless that is inherent to the task set by the teacher.
      4. Students may only use the camera on their phone if taking a photo of the work and they should ask permission from the teacher beforehand.

Form Rooms and Tutors

Form Room Tutor
7A MFL3 Mrs Cowell
7B MFL2 Mrs Worrall
7C MFL4 Miss Patman
7D H4 Mr Green
7E E2 Mrs Williamson
7F E9 Miss Dye
7G Science Lab 13 Mr Harris
7H Science Lab 7 Mr Sutherland
8A M3 Mr Smith
8B H2 Dr Barmby / Miss Roberts
8C E3 Miss Pritchard
8D E6 Mr Gatland
8E E5 Mrs Edwards
8F MFL1 Ms Jasinska
8G M1 Mr Walkin
8H MFL8 Mr Edwards
9A E10 Ms Bennett
9B M12 Mrs Pryor
9C Science Lab 12 Mr Mitchell (Chem)
9D Science Lab 8 Mr Perez
9E MFL9 Miss Segarra
9F M10 Mr Farrow
9G Science Lab 1 Miss Mizen
9H M7 Mrs Anderson
10A H3 Mr Bainbridge
10B G3 Mrs Greenfield
10C Science Lab 5 Mr Fleckney
10D H1 Ms Capper
10E CS2 Mr Brown
10F EPR1 Mr Howard
10G SS2 Miss Heighway
10H G2 Miss Lindley
11A M6 Mr Sheppard
11B EPR3 Miss Bowtell
11C E1 Ms Kemp / Mr Jones
11D M8 Dr Murphy
11E E7 Miss Watson
11F MFL5 Mrs Clark
11G DE1 Mr Dougall
11H Science Lab 10 Miss Smallshaw
12A M9 Mr Gillespie
12B D1 Mr Moxley
12C Science Lab 14 Mr Marsden
12D SS4 Dr Hobbiss
12E Media Studies Mr Williamson
12F SS5 Miss Sanders
12G E8 Mrs Tomlinson
12H MFL6 Miss Doerpinghaus
12I Science Lab 9 Mr Stainton
12J Science Lab 2 Dr Hanson
13A Science Lab 11 Mrs Woolf
13B MFL7 Miss Currier
13C Science Lab 15 Mr Vaughan
13D M2 Mr Roche
13E SS3 Mr Mitchell (Law)
13F PE1 Mr Ray
13G SS1 Miss Thurlow
13H Art2 Mrs Pignatello / Mrs Welling
13I DE2 Mr Delport
13J M11 Mr Adams

SPR Meetings

  1. Student Progress Review Meetings will typically take place in Form rooms, but other venues are bookable.

Uniform and PE Kit

  1. Full School uniform should be worn by all students.
  2. If students have a timetabled practical PE lesson between Tuesday 7 September and Friday 10 September, they are to arrive at School in their PE kit. There are no practical PE lessons on Monday 6 September.
  3. The PE changing rooms will be available from Monday 13 September - after the on-site LFD testing has been completed - and students will then be required to attend School in full uniform, changing into PE kit when required.


  1. School attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age and it is a priority to ensure that as many children as possible regularly attend school.


  1. HOYs and DHOYs are able to make referrals to our School counsellors.
  2. The counsellors are in School two and a half days each week.


  1. The extra-curricular timetable will be published on the website soon after the start of term and fixtures will be scheduled.

Peripatetic Music Lessons

  1. Peripatetic music lessons are offered by Lincolnshire Music Service and take place in dedicated rooms during the course of the School day.
  2. Parents should follow this link to make all bookings.

Covid-19 Testing

  1. Covid testing booking system letter.
  2. Year 7 Covid testing booking system letter.