Sixth Form Student Bursary

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  1. The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education.

There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

    1. A bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in one of the defined vulnerable groups: in care, care leavers, in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves someone who is dependent on them and living with them. Receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right.
    2. Discretionary bursaries which institutions award to meet individual needs, for example, help with the costs of transport, school trips, meals, books and equipment. To be eligible for the discretionary bursary, students must be facing financial barriers to participation and need help to stay in education.

Bourne Grammar School will determine the assessment criteria for eligibility for discretionary bursaries and the frequency of and conditions for payments for all awards. The needs of individual students will be assessed and only those students in one of the defined vulnerable groups, or those experiencing the greatest financial disadvantages and /or course-related costs, will be supported using the 16-19 Bursary Fund and in compliance with the Education and Skills Finding Agency guidelines.

Who is eligible to apply for the 16 to 19 Bursary?

  1. Students must satisfy one or more of the following criteria:
    1. Be aged 16 or over and under 19 at the start of the academic year in which they start their programme of study (the start of the academic year is 31 August 2022).
    2. Students should be participating in provision that is subject to inspection by a public body that assures quality (e.g. Ofsted) and must also be funded within the relevant guidelines.
    3. Meet the residency criteria as set out in the ESFA Funding Regulations.

Residency qualifications

  1. Students must meet the residency criteria in ESFA funding regulations ( for post-16 provision in the 2022-2023 academic year. The regulations set out the evidence that institutions must see to confirm eligibility.
  2. Proof of Income [*Gross household income includes any benefits of which you may be in receipt of (excluding Child Benefit)]. Please refer to the Income Declaration form at the end of the application.
  3. Most recent proof of evidence will be required to support the application and could include:
    1. Tax Credit Award Notice (form TC602) (for the period April 2021 to April 2022).
    2. Certified letter from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs regarding benefits including Housing Benefit and Disability Allowances and/or household income (for Universal Credit please supply the most recent 3 monthly award statements, i.e. June/July/August 2022 for a September application) Other means tested certification.
    3. P60 for the latest Tax Year 2021-22 and last 3 months’ payslips, i.e. June/July/August 2022 for a September application
    4. Benefits in Kind Form P11D for tax year 2021-22
    5. Self-Employment Income evidence (Self-assessment Tax Calculation form SA302 for tax year 2021-22)
    6. Certified letter from the Local Authority regarding Free School Meals
    7. Certified letter from the Department of Work and Pensions

How Bourne Grammar School will assess applications and allocate 16 to 19 Bursary funding?

  1. The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund is a limited fund and the School will prioritise allocation. There will be 3 priority groups, categorised as high (Level 1), medium (Level 2) and low (Level 3).
  2. Initially students who are eligible for any level of funding should complete the online application form as soon as possible after admission in September. The closing date for applications will be Friday 30 September 2022.
  3. The Sixth Form Bursary Fund Committee will meet to consider applications at all levels.
  4. Students who are deemed eligible to receive the Level 2 or Level 3 support should be aware that to continue to receive their full allocation of bursary/funding they must fulfil the attendance requirements and maintain acceptable levels of behaviour, as outlined in the Sixth Form Student Agreement.

Attendance Requirements

  1. Students will only receive their bursary payment if they have secured 100% attendance at School.
  2. There must be no unauthorised absences during the School day or lateness to registration or lessons.
  3. One period of absence due to ill health (maximum of 3 consecutive days) each half term will be allowed without loss of payment for that week.
  4. The only exceptions to this rule include the following:
    1. Medical Procedure or illness supported by a Doctor’s Certificate or Hospital letter
    2. Hospital Appointment and Orthodontist Appointment (official Hospital or Orthodontist documentation)
    3. University Interview/University Open Day (5 per Academic year)
    4. School Trip Excursion
    5. Official School Study Leave.
  5. There may be occasions when cases have to be looked at on an individual basis and at the discretion of the Bursary Fund Committee whose decision will be final. An example of these could include any of the following, although this list is not exhaustive:
    1. Theory and Practical Driving Test
    2. Family/close friend’s funeral
    3. Sports trials/training/county selections
    4. Religious events
  6. For any planned absences a Sixth Form Proposed Absence Form must be completed and authorised at least 48 hours prior to the date of absence. If no form is received by the Sixth Form Student Manager the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’ and a payment will not be made for that week.
  7. Students will NOT receive their bursary payment if they use any of the following as verification of absence:
    1. Doctor/Dentist appointment card
    2. Any other form of self-certification
    3. School exclusion
    4. Driving lesson


  1. Students will only receive their bursary payment if they abide by the standards of behaviour and effort agreed at the start of the School year as detailed in the Sixth Form Student Agreement.

The Sixth Form Bursary Fund Committee

  1. The Sixth Form Bursary Fund Committee will meet in September to consider and review applications.
  2. Applications will need to be submitted as soon as possible at the beginning of the Autumn term.
  3. Where an application is received mid-term and approved, payment cannot be backdated.

Change in Circumstance

  1. A student receiving any support level of the Bursary must immediately inform the Sixth Form Student Manager of any changes in family circumstance that may affect their ‘Support Level’.


  1. Notification confirming the receipt of the student’s application for the 16 to 19 Bursary and outlining the support allocation awarded by the Bursary Fund Committee as well as its payment scheme will be provided to the student.
  2. Cash payments will not be permitted. Payments will be made as a bank transfer into the student’s bank account.


  1. Any student wishing to appeal against the Support Level allocated should do so in writing within 2 weeks of receiving their letter of Support Allocation.
  2. Appeals should be made to the Sixth Form Student Manager.
  3. It is expected that further evidence to support the funding request will be provided by the student if called upon.

Contingency Fund

  1. Bourne Grammar School will need to reserve 20% (including the 5% Administration fee) of the 16 to 19 Bursary amount provided. This is to accommodate changes in circumstance should they occur.


  1. Students and their families should be aware that giving false or incomplete information that leads to incorrect/overpayment may result in future payments being stopped and any incorrectly paid funds being recovered. This might result in a referral to the police with the possibility of the student and/or their family facing prosecution.

Level 1 Support (£1,200 Bursary)

  1. You may be eligible for this if you are in one of the following categories:
    1. Living in care or have recently left care or an unaccompanied asylum-seeker
    2. In receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit
    3. In receipt of Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments
  2. Payments will be made weekly in equal instalments. Payments will be subject to review by the Bursary Fund Committee.
  3. If you think you are eligible for this £1,200 Bursary, please complete the online application form.

Level 2 Support

  1. You could receive this level of funding if:
    1. You have a gross annual household income of below £27,310
    2. You are in receipt of Free School Meals
    3. Your household is in receipt of other income-based means-tested benefits (excluding Child Benefit)

Level 3 Discretionary Support

  1. You could receive this level of funding if you have an identifiable financial need, do not fall into Levels 1 or 2 and your gross annual household income is below £29,925 (excluding Child Benefit).
  2. If you think that you are eligible for Level 2 or 3 Support, please complete the online application form as you may be eligible for a contribution towards specific educational purposes (receipts will be required) which can include:
    1. Costs of transport
    2. Meals in school
    3. Books and equipment, Online educational subscriptions
    4. Educational trips, including University open days and interviews
    5. Sixth Form Dress
  3. Claims will be considered for approval on request and paid as a bank transfer into the student’s bank account providing the student has satisfied all the requirements of eligibility (receipts will be required), and the student has funds remaining. Students will be informed of any non-payment via their School email.
  4. Claims will be subject to review by the Bursary Fund Committee and may be reduced or stopped if attendance and/or progression are deemed unsatisfactory. Claims for Year 13 students will be considered up to and including the final week of their public examination.
  5. In addition, for all levels of support the cost of your annual bus pass will be met in full (fuel costs may be met up to the value of an equivalent annual bus pass). Please note this is residential postcode dependent and evidence must be provided before payment can be reimbursed.

Date of next review

June 2023