GDPR: Recruitment Privacy Notice

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About Us

  1. Bourne Grammar School is known as the "Controller" of the personal data you provide to us.
  2. The purpose of this privacy notice is to tell you how and why we use the information we gather about you when you apply to work with us.

Why do we collect your personal data?

  1. It is necessary for us to collect and process personal data about you in order to assess your eligibility to work with us and to make a decision about your recruitment and employment. More specifically, this will include but is not limited to the following:
    1. Assessing your skills, qualifications and suitability for a role within the school;
    2. Carrying out background and reference checks, where applicable;
    3. Communicating with you about the recruitment process;
    4. Maintaining records relating to the recruitment process;
    5. To comply with legal or regulatory requirements;
  2. We will not collect any personal data that we do not need and as far as is reasonable and practicable will ensure that the information recorded is accurate and kept up to date.

What personal data do we collect?

  1. The personal data we will collect includes:
    1. Personal contact details such as name, address, telephone number and email address
    2. Date of Birth
    3. National Insurance Number
    4. Employment history
    5. Qualifications and other academic achievements
    6. Contact information for the provision of references
  2. Identification documents
    1. Results of psychometric testing, where applicable.
  3. We will also collect and use the following "special categories" of more sensitive personal data:
    1. Information about your race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation
    2. Trade union membership
    3. Information about your physical and mental health, including any medical conditions.
    4. Information about criminal convictions and offences, including information from the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Who do we get your personal data from?

  1. This information is collected in the following ways:
    1. Provided to us directly by you through the application form and at interview
    2. From your named referees

Who do we share your data with?

  1. We will only share information when it is necessary to do so for the purpose of recruitment and in accordance with the law. Where necessary, we will share your data with organisations that deliver services on behalf of the School.
  2. Where necessary we will share your personal data with the following categories of recipients:
    1. Disclosure and Barring Service
    2. Occupational Health Provider
    3. Previous employers and other individuals identified as capable of giving a reference
    4. Professional advisors and consultants involved in the recruitment exercise

How long do we keep your data for?

  1. We are required to retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary, after which it will be securely destroyed in line with the School's retention policy.
  2. Retention periods can vary and will depend on various criteria including the purpose of processing, regulatory and legal requirements, and internal organisational need.

How do we keep your data safe?

  1. Recruitment data is stored securely on-site.
  2. Access to information is strictly controlled based on the role of the professional.
  3. All staff are required to undertake regular data protection training.
  4. Your personal data is not processed outside of the EU by the School.

Your Rights

  1. You have a number of rights which relate to your personal data.
  2. You are entitled to request access to any personal data we hold about you and you can also request a copy.
  3. You can also request that we correct any personal data we hold about you that you believe is inaccurate;
  4. You can request that we erase your personal data and request that we stop processing all or some of the personal data we hold.
  5. We are obliged to consider and respond to any such request within 30 school days.
  6. To exercise any of your rights please contact the School's Data Protection Officer, contact details below.

Further Information

  1. If you wish to make a request or make a complaint about how we have handled your personal data please contact:
    1. Data Protection Officer at [email protected]
  2. Alternatively, you can contact the school by writing to:
  3. Data Protection Officer, Bourne Grammar School, South Road, Bourne, PE10 9JE
  4. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Ownership and Date of the next review

  1. Policy owned by: Curriculum and Personnel committee
  2. Last Reviewed and Approved on: 08 June 2022
  3. Next Review due: June 2024