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==Key People==
*At Bourne Grammar School the personnel with designated responsibility for safeguarding are:
{| class="wikitable"
! Designated Safeguarding Lead
! Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
! Safeguarding Governor
|Mr Mark Brunker
|Miss Claire Bowtell
|Mr Geoff Greatwood
The personnel with Designated Responsibility regarding allegations against staff are:
{| class="wikitable"
! Designated Senior Manager
! Deputy Designated Senior Manager
! Chair of Governors
(in the event of an allegation against the Headteacher)
|Mr Jonathan Maddox
|Mr Mark Brunker
|Mr Steve Dharamraj (via the Clerk to the Governors)
#The protection of children is the proper concern of everyone in a position to help. Primary responsibility for the care and protection of children rests with their parents, but a range of services is available to help them with this task.
At Bourne Grammar School we recognise the responsibility we have under Section 157 (Academies and Independent Schools) of the [ Education and Inspections Act 2006], to have arrangements for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.  This policy demonstrates the School’s commitment and compliance with safeguarding legislation.  Through day-to-day contact with students and direct work with families, staff at our School have a crucial role to play in noticing indicators of possible abuse or neglect and referring them to Children’s Services (in Lincolnshire or neighbouring authorities, depending on the child’s area of residence). This also involves understanding serious case reviews and how to improve practice to prevent children at risk children going unnoticed. The procedures contained in this policy apply to all staff, governors, volunteers, sessional workers, students, agency staff or anyone working on behalf of Bourne Grammar School. The policy is consistent with the [ Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board] (LSCB) multi-agency child protection procedures.
#All agencies with staff who are in direct contact with children and families must be involved in any school issue affecting the pupil.
#The safety and protection of children is of paramount importance to all those involved in
#Children can develop a special and close relationship with teaching and non-teaching staff, and view them as significant and trustworthy adults. It is not surprising therefore those children, if they have been abused, may confide or disclose to a teacher or other member of staff.
#School staff are also in a unique position to notice any change in demeanour or circumstances. There is the opportunity to notice injuries, marks or bruises when children are doing PE, games or swimming which might indicate a child has been abused.
#The School takes account of the government guidance in Safeguarding Children and Safer
Recruitment in Education, and follows the procedures laid down in that document.
#All staff appointed to the School will be subject to enhanced CRB checks (DBS checks from January 2013) and information will be sought from the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly the Independent Safeguarding Authority) where it is deemed necessary. All those who have regular contact with the school including governors and parent volunteers will also be subject to CRB clearance.
#To set out procedures for ensuring that the School meets its responsibility for safeguarding students from abuse.
#The purpose of the policy is to ensure that:
#To protect staff against allegations of abuse. The School has adopted the Local Authority Code of Conduct for school staff accused of child abuse. All staff will adhere to this code of conduct in line with national guidelines and supported by the ACPC (Allied Child Protection Consultants).
##The welfare of children is the highest priority
##All students at the School and other children regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity have equal rights to protection
##All staff have an equal responsibility to act on suspicion or a disclosure that may suggest a child is at risk of harm
##Pupils and staff involved in Safeguarding issues receive appropriate support
##Staff adhere to a code of conduct and understand what to do if a child discloses any allegations against teaching staff, the Headteacher or any member of the Governing Body
#Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children refers to:
##The process of protecting children from maltreatment
##Preventing the impairment of children’s health or development
##Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
##Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances
Source:[ Working Together to Safeguard Children], DfE 2015
#Child Protection refers to the action taken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer significant harm
#'Staff' refers to all those working for or on behalf of the School in either a paid or voluntary capacity
#'Student' refers to all young people who have not yet reached the age of 18 (although we safeguard all students at Bourne Grammar School, even if they are over the age of 18)
#'Parent' refers to birth parents and other adults who are in a parenting role (step-parents, foster parents, carers and adoptive parents)

===Reporting to the designated teacher===
The School will establish an ethos where:
#Any concerns about students must be discussed with the designated teacher, Mr M Brunker or their named deputy in their absence, Miss C Bowtell as soon as possible and at least by the end of the teaching session.
#Students feel secure in a safe environment in which they can learn and develop
#Students know that there are adults in the School who they can approach if worried or in difficulty
#Adequate signposting to external sources of support and advice is in place for staff, parents and students. Childline posters are displayed throughout the School 
#Importance and prioritisation is given to equipping students with the skills needed to stay safe, including providing opportunities for Personal, Social and Health Education
#Students develop realistic attitudes to their responsibilities in adult life and learn how to recognise healthy/unhealthy relationships
#Students are aware of risk management (online and offline) and can judge what type of physical contact is acceptable and unacceptable
#Students can recognise when pressure from others, including people they know, threatens their personal safety and well-being. Students are supported in developing strategies to resist pressure
#All adults feel comfortable and supported to draw safeguarding issues to the attention of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and are able to pose safeguarding questions with 'respectful uncertainty' as part of their shared responsibility to safeguard children (‘Think the unthinkable’) [ Keeping Children Safe in Education] - September 2016.
#Emerging themes are proactively addressed and shared with the local authority and LSCB to ensure a coherent approach so that multi-agency awareness and strategies are developed
#There is a proactive approach to substance misuse. Issues of drugs and substance misuse are recorded and there is a standalone policy which is robustly delivered throughout the School
#Support and planning for young people in custody and their resettlement back into the School community is undertaken, where necessary, as part of our inclusive approach
#It works in accordance with ‘[ Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015'] and supports the Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) Continuum of Need (see [[#APPENDIX 2 - Continuum of need|Appendix 2]]) to ensure children and young people receive the most appropriate referral and can access provision; actively supporting multi-agency planning for those children and, in doing so, providing information about the ‘voice of the child’ and the child’s lived experience as evidenced by observations or information provided through the multi-agency forum
#Our School’s arrangements for consulting with, listening and responding to students are shared with staff and scrutinised by Governors
#There is a commitment to the continuous development of staff with regard to safeguarding training
##All staff follow the LSCB 5-year training pathway (see [[#APPENDIX 6 - 5-year Safeguarding Pathway|Appendix 6]]) and receive a safeguarding update as part of their induction, and safeguarding training at least annually to enable them to understand and fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities effectively
##In addition, the DSL completes training at least every 2 years to help them understand their role and responsibilities
##The DSL also follows the LSCB 5-year training pathway and attends the LSCB Inter-Agency Safeguarding training
##Bourne Grammar School has a Deputy DSL who is trained to the same standard as the DSL
##The DSL, and/or Deputy remain up to date with any emerging concerns/themes in Lincolnshire

==Recording information==
==Early Identification, Recognising and Responding to Safeguarding Needs==
#Staff should:
#Lincolnshire has adopted an Early Intervention approach to addressing all children's needs. There is an expectation that all schools use the Early Help Assessment to identify the holistic needs of a child and seek support through the Early Help consultants or Team Around the Child coordinators.
##make some brief notes at the time or immediately afterwards; record the date, time, place and context of the disclosure or concern, recording facts and not assumption and interpretation. Notes must be signed and dated;
#Bourne Grammar School acknowledges serious case review findings and shares lessons learned with all staff to help ensure best practice
##observed injuries and bruises are to be recorded on the Body Map;
#All key staff should understand the ‘[ Meeting the Needs of Children in Lincolnshire'] procedures and all staff should know how to pass on any concerns no matter how trivial they seem. 
##note the non-verbal behaviour and the key words in the language used by the student (do not translate into “proper terms”);
#All staff understand the difference between a 'concern' about a child and 'immediate danger or at risk of harm' and know the procedures to follow for each
##keep these original notes and pass them to the designated teacher.
#The School knows how to identify and respond to:
#The School will follow up all referrals to Social Care within 24 hours in writing.
##Signs/symptoms of any type of abuse, e.g. Physical, Sexual, Emotional
##Neglect – appendix 3 and 4 and useful information in the [ Safeguarding in Schools Training Package] and on the [ NSPCC website]
##Drug/substance/alcohol misuse (by a student or any other member of the School community)
##Child sexual exploitation/trafficked children
##Children missing in education
##Domestic abuse
##Youth-Produced Sexual Imagery (previously known as 'Sexting')
##Peer-on-peer abuse (including sexually harmful behaviour)
##Risky behaviours including concerns around extremism/radicalisation
##Sexual health needs
##Inclusion and diversity including SEND, HIV, LGBT pupils
##Online grooming – [ CEOP guidance]
##Inappropriate behaviour of staff (or other adults connected to the School) towards children
##Bullying, including homophobic, racist, gender and disability. Breaches of the [ Equality Act 2010]
##Self harm
##Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) & [ multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM – April 2016]
##Forced marriage 
##Honour-based violence
##Looked after children
#School staff contribute to assessments along the ‘Continuum of Need’ (see Appendix 2) and actively support multi-agency planning for those children. Staff have an understanding of the Framework of Assessment of Need (see below) and make decisions based on a child’s development needs, parenting capacity and family & environmental factors

[ Continuum of need illustration]
===Students and families===
#The School recognises that children who are abused or who witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth and to view the world in a positive way. School may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in the lives of children at risk.
#Therefore, the School will endeavour to support students through:
##the curriculum to encourage self-esteem and self-motivation;
##the School ethos, which promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment and which gives all students and adults a sense of being respected and valued;
##the implementation of behaviour management policies;
##a consistent approach, which recognises and separates the cause of the behaviour from that which the student displays;
##regular liaison with other professionals and agencies who support students and their families;
##a commitment to develop productive, supportive relationships with parents, whenever it is in the student’s interests to do so; and
##the development and support of a responsive and knowledgeable staff group trained to respond appropriately in child protection situations

Early Help
#Receiving a disclosure or observing signs of abuse can be very distressing. All staff should discuss their feelings with the designated teacher or other senior member of staff.
#Early Help is the term used to describe arrangements and services that identify the need for help for children and families as soon as the problems start to emerge, or when there is a strong likelihood that problems will emerge in the future. [ Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015)] identifies the critical features of effective Early Help as:
#Incidents of a child protection nature can affect staff not directly involved. Meetings should be used to support staff in this situation.
#A multi-disciplinary approach that brings a range of:
#Members of staff may be asked to attend a strategy meeting. You will need to take any information the school may hold.
##Practice that empowers families and helps them to develop the capacity to resolve their own skills and expertise through a 'Team Around the Child' approach
#You may be required to attend a child protection case conference for which you should provide a report.
##A relationship with a trusted lead professional who can engage with the child and their family, and coordinate the support needed from other agencies
#The designated teacher will be available to support and advise you.
##A holistic approach that addresses the child's needs in the wider family context
#Any member of staff who is concerned about involvement in child protection issues can discuss the matter with the Head.
##Simple, streamlined referral and assessment process
##Early Help in Lincolnshire includes both the TAC and ESCO process. Signs of Safety is embedded throughout. ESCO is similar to the TAC process but specifically supports the care coordination of Children with Disabilities (CWD). Further information can be seen at [].  All forms and guidance for Early Help including Signs of Safety, TAC Handbook, TAC Consultants contact details etc. are available at []
#What is Team Around the Child (TAC)?
TAC is a shared assessment and planning framework which is in use by a variety of agencies across the county and is employed in a similar format throughout the country. It aims to help with the early identification of additional needs of children and young people and promote a coordinated multi-agency response to meet them. A TAC can be used to support children and young people between 0–19 years, including unborn babies and can also be used with consent up to the age of 24 where a young person has a learning difficulty or disability. There are four main stages in setting up a TAC:
#Early identification of needs
##Assessing strengths and needs in a consistent and methodical framework
##Developing and delivering an integrated service
##Reviewing and refining the support arrangements
#Support and guidance available
##Refer to the LSCB website and publications (particularly 'Meeting the Needs of Children in Lincolnshire') at [] 
##The following staff are available to support professionals:
###Early Help Advisors: These advisors are based within the Customer Service Centre (01522 782111).  They offer consultations to professionals for new cases where practitioners need some advice or guidance. The Advisors are qualified social workers who will advise on all levels of safeguarding and thresholds
###Early Help Consultants provide support, advice and guidance to lead professionals on existing TAC Cases. They will use Signs of Safety methodology to map and/or quality assure cases in order to secure improved outcomes for children, young people and their families
###TAC Administrators provide administrative support, maintain records, monitor processes, and can signpost professionals to local services.  
##Further Support for Schools and Academies: In addition to the support outlined above, case supervision can be requested for all TAC cases where the Lead Professional is employed in an educational setting. Administrative support can also be requested in the form of arranging meetings and the typing of assessments and plans. This support can be accessed via the Request Forms at []
#The Designated Safeguarding Lead acts as the focal point for all matters concerning child protection and safeguarding children and young people.  One of the primary tasks is to act as the contact between the School, the family and other agencies.  Incidents of possible child abuse need to be handled with sensitivity and confidentiality, consistent with the multi-disciplinary approach.  If there is any cause for concern it is vital that information is passed to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.  In the event (following statutory investigation) of concerns proving to be unfounded, staff should not reproach themselves for having raised the issue.  In cases of this nature it is always best to share information.

==Procedures and Record-keeping==
#Staff have the professional responsibility to share relevant information about the protection of children with other professionals particularly investigating agencies. If a student confides in a member of staff and requests that the information is kept secret, it is important that the member of staff tells the child sensitively that he/she has a responsibility to refer the matter to the designated teacher for the child’s own sake. At the same time, the child should be reassured that the matter will be only be disclosed to the designated teacher, who will then decide on appropriate action. Staff who receive the information about children and families in the course of their work should have the information only within professional context. Child protection records should be kept securely locked.
#Bourne Grammar School will follow Lincolnshire’s safeguarding procedures  with reference to Lincolnshire's LSCB 'Managing Individual Cases where there are Concerns about a Child's Safety and Welfare' ([ section 4 of LSCB Inter-Agency procedures]).  
#Personal information about all students and their families is regarded by those who work in this school as confidential. All staff will aim to maintain this confidentiality. All records relating to child protection incidents will be maintained by the designated teacher and only shared as is consistent with the protection of children.
#If a member of staff has a concern about a child they know that they should complete a BGS orange Safeguarding Referral Form and pass to the DSL or the Deputy. Action will be taken by the DSL and a summary of events will be recorded securely
#The School will ensure that:
##Safeguarding information including Child Protection information is stored and handled in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 ensuring that information is:
###used fairly and lawfully
###for limited, specifically-stated purposes
###used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
###kept for no longer than necessary
###handled according to people’s data protection rights
###kept safe and secure
#Any concerns about a child will be recorded in writing within 24 hours. All records will provide a factual, evidence-based account. Timely, accurate recording of every incident/concern/activity/actions will be made, including communication with other professionals. Records will be signed and dated
#Hard copies of records or reports relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns will be kept in a secure confidential file. Authorisation to access electronic records will be controlled by the DSL and Headteacher
#There is always a DSL or Deputy DSL who can be contacted when required
#The Policy is updated at least annually and updates are made in line with any new DfE or other government department guidance
#In the case of a child protection referral or serious injury the DSL will contact Lincolnshire Customer Service Centre without delay to report concerns and seek medical attention as necessary
#Staff must report any concerns about adults who work with children or young people to the Headteacher or to the Chair of Governors (via the Clerk) if an allegation of abuse is made against the Headteacher. 
The Headteacher or Chair may seek advice from the DSL and must contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Tel: 01522 554674 (see Section 4 of [ Keeping Children Safe in Education] - September 2016). The Emergency Duty Team should be contacted outside normal working hours 01522 782333
#If the DSL is ever in any doubt about next steps they can consult with Lincolnshire Children's Services Customer Service Centre and seek advice from the Early Help Advisors
#The DSL will keep written, signed and dated records detailing any allegation and action taken as near to the time of disclosure as possible even when no investigation is undertaken
#Conversations with a child who discloses abuse should follow the basic principles:
##Listen rather than directly question, remain calm
##Never stop a child who is recalling significant events
##Make a record of discussion to include time, place, persons present and what was said (use the phrases given by the child)
##Advise that the information will have to be shared with the DSL, who may have to speak with other professionals on a need-to-know basis
##Avoid coaching/prompting
##Never take photographs of any injury
##Allow time and provide a safe haven/quiet area for future support meetings
##At no time promise confidentiality to a child or adult

==Roles and Responsibilities==
#Parents play an important role in protecting their children from abuse. The School is required to consider the safety of the student and should a concern arise professional advice will be sought prior to contacting parents.
#The School will ensure, through regular briefings and by other means, that every member of staff and person working on behalf of the School:
#The school will work with parents to support the needs of their child.
##Knows the name of the DSL and Deputy DSL in addition to their role and responsibility
#The school aims to help parents understand that the school, like all others, has a responsibility for the welfare of all students and has a duty to refer cases to the Social Services in the interests of the child.
##Has read part 1 of [ Keeping Children Safe in Education] - September 2016.
##Has an individual responsibility to refer Safeguarding (Child Protection) concerns
##Knows what to do if a child tells them that he/she is being abused or neglected (appendix 5) and [ What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused – Advice for practitioners].
##Will receive training at the point of induction and at regular intervals as required, but at least annually, so that they know:
###Their personal responsibility/code of conduct/teaching standards
###School and LSCB child protection procedures and how to access them
###The need to be vigilant in identifying cases of abuse at the earliest opportunity
###How to support and respond to a child who discloses significant harm
###Their duty concerning unsafe practices in regard to children by a colleague or any other adult that works with children
#The DSL will disclose any information about a pupil to other members of staff on a need-to-know basis
#The School will:
##Undertake appropriate discussion with parents prior to involvement with other agencies unless the circumstances preclude this
##Work to develop effective links with relevant agencies in relation to Safeguarding (Child Protection)
##Ensure that, where there are unmet needs, an Early Help discussion is initiated. Advice may be sought from the [ Early Help Consultants] in the locality
##Complete reports and send representatives to case conferences, core groups and Child Protection review meetings
##Follow Lincolnshire’s policy and statutory guidance on Children Missing Education (CME).
##Ensure all staff in scope of the [ Disqualification by Association 'Disqualification Under the Childcare Act 2006]' have completed a Disqualification Declaration
##Ensure that all staff are aware of their duties under the [ Serious Crimes Act 2015] to report known instances of female genital mutilation (FGM) to the police via the 101 number
##Ensure all staff have the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to keep [ looked after children safe]
##Notify an allocated social worker if:
###A student subject to a Child Protection Plan (CPP) is excluded (fixed-term or permanent)
###There is an unexplained absence of a pupil on a CPP of more than 2 days or 1 day following a weekend, or as agreed as part of a CPP
Governing Body Responsibilities
#The Governing Body recognises its responsibilities with regard to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in accordance with Government guidance
#The Governing Body have agreed processes which allow it to monitor and ensure that the School:
##Has robust Safeguarding procedures in place
##Operates safer recruitment procedures and that appropriate checks are made on new staff and adults working on the School site.  This includes ensuring the Headteacher and/or the DSL check the Single Central Record (SCR)at least annually
##Has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against any member of staff or adult on the School site
##Has a member of the Leadership Team who is designated to take lead responsibility for dealing with Safeguarding and Child Protection issues and to ensure there is a Deputy Safeguarding Lead in place
##Takes steps to remedy any deficiencies or weaknesses with regard to Safeguarding arrangements
##Is supported by the Governing Body in nominating a member responsible for liaising with the LA and/or partner agencies in the event of allegations of abuse against the Headteacher; this has been agreed to be the Chair of Governors
##Carries out an annual review of the Safeguarding policy and procedures
##Carries out an annual Safeguarding Audit in consultation with the Governing Body, sharing this with the LSCB/Safeguarding in Schools team on request

==When a pupil transfers to another school==
==Supporting Vulnerable pupils at risk==
#If the student is on the child protection register, their Social Worker will be contacted by the designated teacher and informed of the transfer.
#Special consideration should be given to safeguarding and protecting children that may have additional vulnerabilities, for example children that are looked after or those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Additional barriers can exist to the recognition of abuse and neglect which can include:
#When the child changes schools within the authority, child protection records will be passed on to the designated teacher at the receiving school.
##Assumptions that indicators of possible abuse such as behavior, mood and injury relate to the child's disability without further exploration
#When the child is moving to another authority, information will be passed onto the next school’s designated teacher. Case conference minutes are not transferred but the date, name of chair, LA and outcome will be included on the records transferred.
##Vulnerable children being disproportionately impacted by bullying – without outwardly showing any signs
##Communication barriers and difficulties in overcoming these barriers
#The School will endeavour to support vulnerable pupils through:
##Its ethos which promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment; giving students a sense of feeling valued
##Its behaviour policy aimed at supporting vulnerable pupils in School. All staff will agree a consistent approach which focuses on working to support children in developing positive behaviour
##Liaison with other appropriate agencies which support the student
##Developing supportive relationships
##Recognition that children living in difficult home environments are vulnerable and are in need of support and protection
##Monitoring student welfare, keeping accurate records and notifying appropriate agencies when necessary
##Allowing designated staff opportunities to attend Safeguarding training
##Ensuring information is transferred safely and securely when a student with a Safeguarding Record transfers to another school.
##Notifying key workers or social workers when a child leaves the School (as appropriate)
##Following Lincolnshire's procedures for [ Child Sexual Exploitation] including using the CSE Risk Assessment Toolkit as necessary

==Extremism and Radicalisation==
#The School has a commitment to training and attendance at inter-agency child protection meetings. Time will be given to enable this commitment to be met. However it is the responsibility of the individual to notify the appropriate senior member of staff to ensure cover.
#Bourne Grammar School seeks to protect children and young people against the messages of all violent extremism including, but not restricted to, those linked to radical Islamist ideology, or to Far Right/Neo Nazi/White Supremacist ideology, Irish Nationalist and Loyalist paramilitary groups, and extremist Animal Rights movements
#The designated teacher will be expected to cascade learning to the wider staff group via meetings etc.
#The current threat from terrorism in the United Kingdom may include the exploitation of vulnerable people, to involve them in terrorism or in activity in support of terrorism.  The normalisation of extreme views may also make children and young people vulnerable to future manipulation and exploitation
#The School is clear that this exploitation and radicalisation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern
#Prevention work and reductions of risks will include the EPR curriculum, SEND Policy, assembly routine, the use of School premises by external agencies, integration of pupils by gender and SEND, Anti-bullying Policy and other issues specific to the School’s profile
#The School adheres to the [ Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales] July 2015
#Risk assessment
##Settings need to assess the risk, with local partners, of their children being drawn into terrorism, as well as their support for extremist ideas and terrorist ideology. They should have robust safeguarding policies to identify children at risk, appropriate intervention and the most appropriate referral option. The policy should also cover the suitability of visiting speakers
##Police in all regions are expected to produce a Counter-Terrorism Local Profile (CTLPs) which is to assess the risk of individuals being drawn into terrorism and is the risk assessment that settings need to refer to. Further support can be provided by contacting [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]] or [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]]
#Working in Partnership
##Lincolnshire settings are required to ensure that their safeguarding arrangements take into account [ policies and procedures of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Board]
#The key aim of the [ Prevent strategy in Lincolnshire] is:
##To help local authorities, police, community safety partnerships and other partners and partnerships to develop and implement effective actions, which will make their communities safer.
##Experience has shown that the best results are achieved by:
###Partnership working and community engagement
###Understanding the challenge and its context
###Developing an effective action plan
###Managing risk
###Tracking progress and evaluating success
###Sharing learning
##Lincolnshire has a Prevent steering board which provides the strategic direction and is attended by a variety of partners including representatives from education
##The Channel panel is the operational group for Lincolnshire and has multi-agency representation
#Staff training
##Settings should ensure that their staff are equipped to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism, as well as challenge extremist ideas. They should know how to refer children and young people for further help.
##All staff undertake Prevent awareness training (in-house) and key Pastoral staff complete e-learning via the [ LSCB website].  Face-to-face learning is available to book via the Stay Safe partnership website
#Referral Process
##As part of the duty to protect young people from the messages of extremism, the School may refer any young person it is concerned about to the local Prevent team through the Channel process. The Channel referral form can be found through the LSCB website link above and should be returned to the email provided [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]]  Before doing this the School should contact [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]] or [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]] to seek advice and support to see if a Channel referral is appropriate. Where the School has serious concerns about the vulnerability of a young person in relation to extremist behaviour, then the School should make a call to the Police on 999
#IT policies
##Settings are expected to ensure that children are safe from online terrorist and extremist material, typically via appropriate levels of filtering
##Settings can require students and staff to abide by acceptable user polices which make clear that accessing such sites is unacceptable. Using School equipment to send terrorist publications to others is a criminal offence
#Monitoring and enforcement
##Ofsted inspectors will assess the approach to keeping children safe from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism and what is done when the setting suspects that pupils are vulnerable to these threats. If a setting is considered to be failing in this regard or if their staff or children’s safety is threatened, academies or free schools may be subject to termination of funding
#Wider issues to consider:
##Additional strategies:
###Settings are required to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.
###Delivering a curriculum that includes a balanced Religious Education, Personal Social and Health Education
##EMTET is the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Education Team who can support settings by working with individuals who are victims of racism or are perpetrators of racism or have racist views.  In addition, they can signpost settings to other organisations. EMTET contact details are 01427 787190, []

==Case conferences and core group meetings==
==Female Genital Mutilation==
#In each case the School will assign the appropriate member of staff to attend a child protection case conference. Where possible the member of staff will be accompanied by the designated teacher but this may not always be possible. You should prepare a report presenting this to the case conference chair at the start of the meeting. The Chair will gather all information and assess the risks. You will be asked for your view in respect of registration.
#Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is child abuse and is illegal. As of 31st October 2015, all regulated professionals including qualified teachers or persons who are employed or engaged to carry out teaching work in schools are required to report cases of FGM to the Police. This is a personal duty and cannot be transferred to anyone else. The new mandatory reporting duty relates to a disclosure that FGM has already happened. This should be reported to the Police on 101. Where a girl discloses information that identifies her as at risk of FGM, professionals should follow the normal safeguarding procedures
#If a child’s name is placed on the local Child Protection Register a core group will be agreed. All core group members meet regularly (at least monthly) to monitor and progress the child protection plan and core assessment. Attendance at these meetings will be given priority.
#The designated teacher will be available to advise and support you.
#Where no registration has taken place schools may be asked to monitor it is your responsibility to ask for clarity about information required, timescales, and reporting methods.

==Youth-Produced Sexual Imagery (YPSI) (Previously known as 'Sexting')==
===The Governors===
#The School has a duty of care towards our pupils and an obligation to support them in being safe in the online world as well as the physical world
#The Governing Body will appoint a named governor to liaise with the School’s designated teacher on safeguarding students issues.
#There are a number of definitions of YPSI but for the purposes of this policy YPSI is defined as:
#The Governors will also appoint a designated teacher for safeguarding students and ensure that he/she is trained and receives further updating at least every two years.
##A person under the age of 18 creating a sexual image of themselves and sharing it with another person who is under 18
#The Governing Body will receive and consider annually a report from the Head on safeguarding students in the School.
##A person under 18 sharing an image (of someone under 18) with anyone else
#The named governor will determine appropriate training (in liaison with the designated teacher) for the Governing Body.
##A person under the age of 18 who is in possession of sexual imagery created by another person under the age of 18
#The Governing Body will determine any changes to the School’s policies and procedures as appropriate.
##An image covers still photos and moving video
#The Governing Body is responsible for reviewing and amending the policy as appropriate.
##If an adult possesses, produces, or shares (or coerces a child to share) a sexual image of anyone under 18 it is Child Sexual Abuse and the School's safeguarding procedures will be followed, which will include contacting the Police
#YPSI is passed between young people and/or adults via a mobile phone, handheld device or websites with people they may not even know
#When an indecent image is shared by a former sexual partner, without consent, it is often termed 'revenge porn'. This can be distressing and embarrassing for the victim and they will be supported by the School.  
#If an indecent image of a student over the age of 18 is shared without consent, then the School will take action to support the victim and apply appropriate sanctions as per the Behaviour Policy
#YPSI can be created for different reasons. It can be connected to sexual pleasure and be linked to a ‘normal’ part of sexual development. However, something that transpires online can quickly become freely available in the public domain. It can then be transferred, forwarded, downloaded, uploaded and shared
#Any situations involving our students and YPSI are taken seriously and are potentially indicative of a wider safeguarding or child protection concern. The understanding of children and young people around the potential implications of taking and/or sharing YPSI is likely to be influenced by the age and ability of the children involved. In some cases, children under 13 (and indeed older) may create YPSI as a result of age appropriate curiosity or risk-taking behavior, or simply due to naivety rather than any sexual intent
#All incidents involving YPSI will be responded to in line with the School’s safeguarding and child protection procedures
#When an incident involving YPSI comes to the attention of the School:
##The incident is referred to the DSL as soon as possible and recorded using the BGS orange Safeguarding Referral Form
##The DSL will hold an initial review meeting with appropriate School staff
##There will be subsequent interviews with the students involved (if appropriate)
##Parents/carers will be informed at an early stage and involved in the process unless there is good reason to believe that involving parents would put the student at risk of harm
##If there is a concern a student has been harmed or is at risk of harm a referral will be made to Children’s Social Care and the Police immediately
##The Police will also be informed if:
###An adult has been involved in the YPSI
###There has been any coercion or blackmail
###The YPSI is extreme or violent
###The child is under the age of 13
#Any direct disclosure by a student will be taken very seriously. A student who discloses that they are the subject of sexual imagery is likely to be embarrassed and worried about the consequences. They will be reassured and supported
#Securing and handing over devices to the police
##If any devices need to be seized and passed onto the police then the device(s) will be confiscated and the police will be contacted. The device will be turned off and secured until the police collect it. 
##Government guidance will be referred to '[ Searching, screening and confiscation at school]'.

===The Headteacher===
==Peer-on-Peer abuse==
#The Head is responsible for the implementation of the policy and ensuring that the outcomes are monitored. The Head will report annually to the governors on the working of the policy.
#Children and young people may be harmful to one another in a number of ways which would be classified as peer-on-peer abuse
#Types of abuse (there are many forms of abuse that may occur between peers and this list is not exhaustive):
##Physical abuse (eg.biting, hitting, kicking, hair pulling)
##Sexually harmful behaviour/sexual abuse (eg. inappropriate sexual language, touching, sexual assault)
##Bullying (eg. physical, name-calling, homophobic)
##Cyber bullying
##Youth Produced Sexual Imagery (previously known as 'Sexting')
##Prejudiced Behaviour
#The School uses appropriate strategies in order to prevent peer-on-peer abuse rather than manage issues in a reactive way. The School:
##Recognises that peer-on-peer abuse can and will occur in any setting even with the most stringent of policies and support mechanisms. The School therefore continues to recognise and manage such risks and develops strategies to support students in sharing information with staff
##Continues to maintain an open environment where pupils feel safe to share information about anything that is upsetting or worrying them. This is strengthened through a strong and positive PHSE curriculum
#Although the type of abuse may have a varying effect on the victim and initiator, the School follows steps to help clarify the situation and establish the facts before deciding on any consequences
#The School aims to respond to situations of peer-on-peer abuse swiftly and sensitively
#Staff are trained in dealing with such incidents, talking to pupils and instigating immediate support in a calm and consistent manner.
#All incidents are recorded and shared with the Head of Year who will liaise with the DSL where necessary

===The designated teacher===
==Safer Recruitment and Professional Boundaries==
#The designated teacher for child protection is: Mr M Brunker, Deputy Headteacher, Pastoral
#The School pays full regard to DfE guidance [ Keeping Children Safe in Education] – September 2016 and with reference to the ‘Position of Trust’ offence (Sexual Offences Act 2003). All appropriate measures are applied in relation to everyone who works in the School who is likely to be perceived by the children as a safe and trustworthy adult, which includes Governors who we require to have an enhanced criminal records certificate. We do this by:
#Their deputy or the person to contact in their absence is: Miss C Bowtell
##Operating safer recruitment practices including appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and reference checks; verifying identity; academic and vocational qualifications; obtaining professional references; checking previous employment history (including any additional checks thought appropriate for staff who have lived or worked outside the UK); ensuring that a candidate has the health and physical capacity for the job; undertaking interviews and checking the Children’s List and the existence of any teacher prohibition orders (checked via the '[ Teacher Services]' system) and the right to work in England checks in accordance with DBS and Department for Education procedures.
#The designated teacher is responsible for ensuring that all cases of suspected or actual problems associated with child protection are investigated and dealt with.
##In February 2015 the DfE issued additional guidance about disqualification by association '[ Disqualification Under the Childcare Act 2006]' which applies to staff employed. The School asks those staff in scope to complete a disqualification declaration. Upon return, Bourne Grammar School will advise the LADO where a positive declaration has been made
#The designated teacher will ensure that she is aware of the latest national and local guidance and requirements and will keep the Head and staff informed as appropriate.
##Ensuring that staff and volunteers adhere to a code of conduct and other professional standards at all times, including after-school activities and are aware of social media/on-line conduct
#The designated teacher will ensure that appropriate training for staff is organised annually.
##Ensuring any disciplinary proceedings against staff related to Child Protection matters are concluded in full in accordance with Government guidance [ Keeping Children Safe in Education] – September 2016 and LSCB, LADO and HR Policy, procedures and guidance
#The designated teacher will liaise with the Governing Body’s nominated governor for safeguarding students.
##Ensuring that all staff and other adults on site are aware of the need for maintaining appropriate and professional boundaries in their relationship with pupils and parents
##Establishing adequate risk assessments including for extended school, volunteer and holiday activities
##Supporting staff confidence to report misconduct
##Ensuring that at least one member of every recruitment panel has completed Safer Recruitment training within the last 5 years

===The staff===
==Whistleblowing Procedure==
#All staff, including supply teachers and other visiting staff (e.g. school nurses) and those supporting school trips, will be informed of the designated teachers’ names and the school’s policy for the protection of children:
Refer to [[Whistleblowing|Whistleblowing Policy]]
##During their first induction to the school
##Through the staff/personnel handbook
##Information given at reception on request
##Whole staff training at the start of each academic year
#All staff need to be alert to the signs of harm and abuse. They should report any concerns if not immediately, as soon as possible, that day to the designated teacher or named deputy. If in any doubt they should consult with the designated teacher.
#All relevant national and local procedures will be made available for staff reference and is located in the front office.

==Equal opportunities==
==Communication with Parents and Carers==
#All staff and governors with responsibilities under this policy must take into account the equal opportunities policies when discharging their duties.
#The School takes steps to help ensure that all parents and carers are aware of this Safeguarding Policy: The policy is available through the School website and parents receive updates on reviews and changes through home-school communication
#Parents can raise a concern about their child's safety or about general safeguarding concerns in the School by telephoning the School or emailing [email protected]
#Parents are informed of information when necessary to help them protect their children from harm inside and outside the School environment
#Where the School has concerns for the safety of a child, parents are made aware of these concerns and their consent is sought in line with local safeguarding procedures unless doing so would increase the risk of harm to the child

==Monitoring and review==
==Allegations made against adults who work with children - Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)==
#The designated teacher will monitor the working of the policy and will report as required to the Headteacher.
#Child Protection procedures must be followed whenever any member of staff or volunteer becomes aware of a concern, or an allegation of abuse is made, about an adult, including volunteers, who work with children
#The Head will report to the governors annually on the working of the policy.
#The Headteacher must be notified or, where the allegation is against the Headteacher, the Chair of Governors must be informed (via the Clerk)
#The first priority is whether any immediate action needs taking to ensure a child or other children are safe
#All allegations of alleged or suspected abuse against an adult who works with children must be reported to the Lincolnshire’s Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO). (Contact information in Appendix 1)  Further guidance is in part 4 of the statutory document [ Keeping Children Safe in Education] – September 2016 )
#Reporting to the LADO applies even where the nature of the alleged assault would not normally meet the threshold if applied to children in their own families.  This is because of:
##The vulnerability of children away from home
##The higher standards of conduct demanded by law and regulation of those caring for other people’s children
##The position of trust enjoyed by such people
#Contact should be made with the LADO when it is alleged, or there are concerns that, a person who works with children has:
##Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child
##Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
##behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates he or she would pose a risk of harm if they work regularly or closely with children
#This process should be followed for members of staff/volunteers who are currently working in any school or college regardless of whether the school or college is where the alleged abuse took place – ie. the allegation may relate to the individual’s personal life or be historic
#Employers have a duty of care to their employees. They should ensure that they provide effective support for anyone facing an allegation and provide the employee with a named contact if they are suspended. Decisions about suspension are made on a case by case basis and will depend on the nature and seriousness of the allegation. It is essential that any allegation of abuse made against a teacher or other member of staff or volunteer in a school or college is dealt with in a timely manner, in a fair and consistent way that provides effective protection for the child and at the same time supports the person who is the subject of the allegation

==Obtaining advice==
==APPENDIX 1 - Contacts==
#Advice of any aspect of Child Protection can be sought from the Child Protection Team.
#Advice on any aspect of Safeguarding/Child Protection can be sought from the Safeguarding Team
#Head of Safeguarding: Paula Whitehead (01522 554 061)
##Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Mark Brunker
#LADO: Paul Fisher (01522 554 674) and Rachel Powis (01522 554 668)
##Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Miss Claire Bowtell
#Customer Service: 01522 782 111
#Safeguarding children - concerns over children living in Lincolnshire: 01522 782111 (working hours), 01522 782333 (Emergency Duty Team; 6pm-8am + weekends and Bank Holidays)
#Safeguarding children - concerns (Children living in other Authorities)
##Rutland Children’s Duty Team: 01572 758407 (working hours), 0116 305 00055 (out of hours)
##Peterborough Safeguarding Children’s Board: 01733 864170 (working hours), 01733 234724 (out of hours)
#Allegations against /concerns about adult(s) working with children
##Staff must report concerns to the Headteacher or in the event of concerns about the Headteacher, concerns must be reported to the Chair of Governors (via the Clerk)
##The Headteacher/Chair may liaise with the DSL (unless the concern is about the DSL) and must contact the LADO to discuss concerns & course of action
##Lincolnshire Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) are Paul Fisher & Rachel Powis: 01522 554674 or [mailto:[email protected] [email protected]]
#Police (Emergency): 999
#Police (Non Emergency): 101 or 01522 947590 (Lincolnshire Police Public Protection Unit, Central Referral Unit)

==Date of next review==  
==APPENDIX 2 - Continuum of need==
*May 2019
##Children and young people whose needs are being adequately met by their family, friends and community and who are accessing universal services. (e.g. health visiting, GP, schools)
##Response: Continue meeting child or young person’s needs as a universal service in a safe environment.
##Universal services will remain at all levels of need
##Children and young people who would benefit from additional help with moderate difficulties in order to make the best of their life chances
##Response: A practitioner who identifies unmet needs for a child or young person should consider how these needs can best be met, usually by some additional help from within their own agency. The Early Help Assessment (EHA) can help to identify and plan to meet needs and involve others where necessary
##Children and young people who have a range of additional needs affecting different areas of their life
##Response: Request support from other agencies such as family support, commissioned services, Youth Crime Prevention Team and Education Welfare. Agencies work together to provide a network of support to the child or young person and their family
##Identify a lead professional to co-ordinate support and be primary link with the family
##Hold a multi-agency meeting and use the Early Help Assessment (EHA) with child and family to assess their needs. Develop and implement an Action Plan and review progress
##Children and young people who need immediate protection or who require integrated support from a statutory service such as CAMHS, Children’s Social Care, or Youth Offending Service
##Children’s Social Care lead multi-agency planning and support through a Child-in-Need Plan, Child Protection Procedures, or accommodation by Children’s Social Care
##Youth Offending Team lead multi-agency interventions for Court-Ordered Supervision of Young Offenders in the community and in custody

*The School’s designated Senior Person is: Mr Mark Brunker
If at any point you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person, contact Lincolnshire Children's Services Customer Service Centre
*The School’s nominated Governor is: Mr Ian Fytche (who refers to the professional expertise of Chief Inspector Ian Ford former Parent Governor)
Tel: 01522 782111 or 01522 782333 (Emergency Duty Team for out of hours)
*The School’s Chair of Governors is: Mr Stephen Dharamraj
If you are concerned about an immediate danger, phone 999
*The School’s Headteacher is: Mr Jonathan Maddox

==Appendix 1: Child Protection==
==APPENDIX 3 - Definitions of Abuse==
===Staff Guidance - Procedures to be followed===
#Physical Abuse
#Members of staff who suspect abuse of a child should report their suspicions to the designated teacher. The designated teacher, in consultation with the Head, will determine whether the social services and in some instances, the police will be notified. It is the role of the police to investigate this type of incident.
##A form of abuse which may involve:
#Information is received from primary schools, other schools, parents, the social services and various other sources. The weekly forum meeting to be used to pass on relevant details. Where it is thought that the social services are not aware of the case they will be informed.
###Hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child
#Risk register. A confidential register will be maintained of all those students known to be at risk. Names will be entered on the register if it is confirmed by social services that the child is actually at risk.
###Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in a child
#Where a child is known to be at risk, the named member of staff will inform the relevant pastoral staff and members of the leadership team.
###Injuries in babies and non-mobile children
#Staff who organise educational visits should publish the names of those students involved and seek information about any involvement of social services.
#Sexual Abuse
#The named member of staff who will, when possible, attend any reviews called by the Social services.
##Forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening
##Physical contact: including assault by penetration e.g. rape or oral sex; or non-penetrative acts e.g. masturbation, kissing, rubbing & touching outside of clothing
##Non-contact activities: eg. involving children in looking at/in the production of sexual images/ activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, grooming a child in preparation for abuse
#Emotional Abuse
##The persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on their emotional development. It may involve:
###Conveying to them that they are worthless, unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person
###Not giving them opportunities to express their views,  deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate
###Developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed; interactions that are beyond the child's developmental capability
###Overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning
###Preventing the child participating in normal social interaction
###Seeing/hearing the ill-treatment of another
###Serious bullying causing them frequently to feel frightened or in danger
###Exploitation or corruption of them
##Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone
##The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development 
##It may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse
##Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
###Provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)
###Protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger
###Ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers)
###Ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment
##It may also include unresponsiveness to, or neglect of a child’s basic emotional needs

===Procedures in respect of child abuse===
==APPENDIX 4 - Symptoms of Abuse==
Abuse exists where children under the age of seventeen years have been physically or emotionally abused or severely neglected. Abuse of children who are over five years of age is likely to be noticed by the school staff and health workers or education welfare officers. It is essential, therefore that all those whose work brings them into contact with children and their families know the signs of child abuse and are aware of the procedures that they must follow to safeguard the child.
The symptoms below do not necessarily mean they are a result of abuse, but can be used as a list of possible indicators. A marked change in behaviour is often the biggest indicator.
##Bruises, black eyes, broken bones
##Injuries to unusual body parts eg. thighs, back, abdomen
##Bruising that resembles hand/finger marks
##Bite marks, cigarette burns
##Injuries that the child cannot explain or explains unconvincingly
##Genital discomfort, pain, itching, bruising, injuries
##Public masturbation, compulsive masturbation
##Eating disorders
##Sexually explicit behaviour or language not appropriate for their age
##Sexually transmitted infection
##Sexually explicit drawings
##Physical, mental and emotional development lags
##Talks of excessive punishment
##Fear of parents being contacted
##Sudden speech disorders
##Running away
##Self-deprecation, low self-esteem
##Child inappropriately dressed for weather conditions
##Undernourished/always hungry
##Untreated medical problems eg. dental decay
##Extreme lethargy, tiredness
##Aggressive tendencies

The Education Service in general, and this School in particular, has the role of recognising and responding to potential indicators of abuse and neglect, all other action should be taken by those with statutory powers to help the child. Early contact and close liaison with such agencies is therefore regarded as essential by the school.
==APPENDIX 5 - Receiving Disclosures==
In the event of an actual or suspected case of child abuse by adults, parents, teachers or any other adult. It is the responsibility of school staff to report this to the designated teacher (or Head) as soon as possible. The designated teacher is responsible for ensuring that children are identified and the appropriate agency involved. It is important that if staff overhear children discussing ‘abuse’ or ‘neglect’ that this information is relayed for investigation.
##Listen, try not to look shocked or be judgmental
##Accept what the young person says and ‘take it seriously’
##Don’t ‘interrogate’ them – let them tell you; try not to interrupt
##Note the date and time, what was done, who did it, and where it took place
##Use the young person’s own words
##Don’t criticise anyone
##Don't take photographs of any injuries
##Don’t ask leading questions – use ‘open’ questions to clarify only
###TED - Tell me; Explain; Describe
####Tell me what you mean by that
####Explain that to me
####Describe that....
##Stay calm, tell the young person they have done the right thing in telling you
##Reassure them they are not to blame
##Empathise – don’t tell them how they should be feeling
##Don’t promise confidentiality, explain who needs to know
##Explain what you’ll do next
##Be honest about what you can do
#Report and Record (BGS orange Safeguarding Referral Form)
##Make a Brief, accurate, timely and factual record
##Discuss with the DSL/Deputy, without delay
##The Designated Safeguarding Lead will assess the situation and decide on the next steps
##Things to include:
###Time and full date of disclosure/incident and the time and full date the record was made
###An accurate record of what was said or seen
###Whether it is first or second hand information
###Whether the child was seen/spoken to
###Whether information is fact or professional judgement
###Full names and roles/status of anyone identified in the report  
###Avoid acronyms/jargon/abbreviations
###Sign the record
###Record actions agreed with/by the Designated Lead
##Records should be reviewed regularly and any new concerns should be added and responded to immediately

Staff leading school visits, particularly residential ones, should provide a list of those children taking part to the designated teacher to ensure that they are made aware of all essential information relating to the students in their care.
==APPENDIX 6 - 5-year Safeguarding Pathway==
#The statutory guidance, '[ Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2016]', states 'All staff members should be aware of systems within their school or college which support safeguarding and these should be explained to them as part of staff induction. This should include: the Safeguarding policy; the staff code of conduct; and the role of the DSL 
#Copies of policies and a copy of part one of Keeping Children Safe in Education should be provided to staff at induction
#All staff members should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated. In addition all staff members should receive safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, staff meetings and briefings), as required, but at least annually to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively
#Please note there is a statutory requirement for DSLs to attend training at least every two years, that helps them understand their role and responsibilities
#DSLs are reminded to ensure they complete their safeguarding refresher training and are strongly encouraged to attend training offered by the Early Help teams, eg. Early Help & TAC Record Keeping, Voice of the Child etc. and attend TAC briefings.  []
#Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB) 5 year training pathway is available at [] 
#Settings should plan their own 5-year pathway using training provided by a range of partners, e.g. LSCB, Stay Safe Partnership etc. in order to suit the needs of the school community.  This should be adapted in order to reflect local and national guidance. Below is an example specifically for schools;
#5  Year Cycle Training Pathway Example for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)
##Year 1 Complete 'Awareness of Child Abuse & Neglect Foundation' E-Learning and LSCB 2 day 'Inter-Agency Safeguarding Children & Young People' face to face course in the locality of your setting.
##Year 2 Complete another Safeguarding course, eg. Prevent + Early Help & TAC course
##Year 3 Complete Safeguarding Children Refresher training.  This could be the LSCB E-learning
##Year 4 Complete another Safeguarding  course, eg. Awareness of Domestic Abuse + eg. Voice of the Child course
##Year 5 Complete another Safeguarding course, eg. Keeping Children Safe in a Digital World
#5-Year Cycle Training Pathway Example for all other members of staff
##Year 1 Complete Basic Awareness Safeguarding training.  This may be the Safeguarding in Schools 'Training Package' which is updated annually, delivered by the DSL or a DSL from another school.  The package may be presented in one longer session or completed over several sessions.  The LSCB 'Awareness of Child Abuse & Neglect Foundation e-Learning' is a suitable alternative, however, please note that if the E-Learning is being undertaken, staff MUST be made aware of safeguarding procedures and policies specific to your setting, including safer working practices and procedures for reporting concerns about adults who work with children and young people.
##Year 2 Complete another safeguarding course/session, eg. Prevent.  This may be face to face/e-learning or attending an in-house session.
##Year 3 Complete a Safeguarding Children Refresher course.  This could be a refresh of one or more of the sections of the 'Training Package' or the LSCB 'Safeguarding Children Refresher training' E-Learning.
##Year 4 Complete another safeguarding course.  This may be face to face/e-learning or attending an in-house session.
##Year 5 Complete another safeguarding course.  This may be face to face/e-learning or attending an in-house session.
#Schools should plan the 5-year pathway carefully, taking into consideration any gaps in staff knowledge, updates to statutory guidance documents and the needs of the children and young people in the setting and community.  Always keep accurate records of staff safeguarding updates on a spreadsheet and remember to keep a central copy of any evidence of training, e.g. certificates.  Include evidence of staff training and safeguarding input at staff meetings/in-house updates etc., of which there may be several annually
#Support is available from [mailto:[email protected] [email protected].uk]

===Indicators of abuse and neglect===
==Date of next review==
*Injuries: Bruises or abrasions especially about the feet, head, genitals or other parts of the body where they would not normally be expected to occur given the age of the child. Damage or injury to the mouth of a child e.g. bruises or cut lips.
February 2019
*Bite marks.
*Burns and/or scalds especially small circular burns (often cigarette burns). Bilateral injuries such as two black eyes – this rarely occurs accidentally. Fractures in children under two years old.
*Poisoning and other misuse of drugs
*Repeated minor injuries and/or self harming
*Withdrawal. Wariness. Passivity.
*Frozen awareness.
*An unkempt, dirty appearance.
*Developmental retardation without a medical condition. Over-solicitous behaviour towards adults.
*Failure to thrive or grow without an underlying medical condition.

Revision as of 18:05, 20 February 2018

Key People

  • At Bourne Grammar School the personnel with designated responsibility for safeguarding are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Governor
Mr Mark Brunker Miss Claire Bowtell Mr Geoff Greatwood

The personnel with Designated Responsibility regarding allegations against staff are:

Designated Senior Manager Deputy Designated Senior Manager Chair of Governors

(in the event of an allegation against the Headteacher)

Mr Jonathan Maddox Mr Mark Brunker Mr Steve Dharamraj (via the Clerk to the Governors)


At Bourne Grammar School we recognise the responsibility we have under Section 157 (Academies and Independent Schools) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, to have arrangements for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This policy demonstrates the School’s commitment and compliance with safeguarding legislation. Through day-to-day contact with students and direct work with families, staff at our School have a crucial role to play in noticing indicators of possible abuse or neglect and referring them to Children’s Services (in Lincolnshire or neighbouring authorities, depending on the child’s area of residence). This also involves understanding serious case reviews and how to improve practice to prevent children at risk children going unnoticed. The procedures contained in this policy apply to all staff, governors, volunteers, sessional workers, students, agency staff or anyone working on behalf of Bourne Grammar School. The policy is consistent with the Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) multi-agency child protection procedures.


  1. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that:
    1. The welfare of children is the highest priority
    2. All students at the School and other children regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity have equal rights to protection
    3. All staff have an equal responsibility to act on suspicion or a disclosure that may suggest a child is at risk of harm
    4. Pupils and staff involved in Safeguarding issues receive appropriate support
    5. Staff adhere to a code of conduct and understand what to do if a child discloses any allegations against teaching staff, the Headteacher or any member of the Governing Body


  1. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children refers to:
    1. The process of protecting children from maltreatment
    2. Preventing the impairment of children’s health or development
    3. Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
    4. Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances

Source:Working Together to Safeguard Children, DfE 2015

  1. Child Protection refers to the action taken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer significant harm
  2. 'Staff' refers to all those working for or on behalf of the School in either a paid or voluntary capacity
  3. 'Student' refers to all young people who have not yet reached the age of 18 (although we safeguard all students at Bourne Grammar School, even if they are over the age of 18)
  4. 'Parent' refers to birth parents and other adults who are in a parenting role (step-parents, foster parents, carers and adoptive parents)


The School will establish an ethos where:

  1. Students feel secure in a safe environment in which they can learn and develop
  2. Students know that there are adults in the School who they can approach if worried or in difficulty
  3. Adequate signposting to external sources of support and advice is in place for staff, parents and students. Childline posters are displayed throughout the School
  4. Importance and prioritisation is given to equipping students with the skills needed to stay safe, including providing opportunities for Personal, Social and Health Education
  5. Students develop realistic attitudes to their responsibilities in adult life and learn how to recognise healthy/unhealthy relationships
  6. Students are aware of risk management (online and offline) and can judge what type of physical contact is acceptable and unacceptable
  7. Students can recognise when pressure from others, including people they know, threatens their personal safety and well-being. Students are supported in developing strategies to resist pressure
  8. All adults feel comfortable and supported to draw safeguarding issues to the attention of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and are able to pose safeguarding questions with 'respectful uncertainty' as part of their shared responsibility to safeguard children (‘Think the unthinkable’) Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2016.
  9. Emerging themes are proactively addressed and shared with the local authority and LSCB to ensure a coherent approach so that multi-agency awareness and strategies are developed
  10. There is a proactive approach to substance misuse. Issues of drugs and substance misuse are recorded and there is a standalone policy which is robustly delivered throughout the School
  11. Support and planning for young people in custody and their resettlement back into the School community is undertaken, where necessary, as part of our inclusive approach
  12. It works in accordance with ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015' and supports the Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) Continuum of Need (see Appendix 2) to ensure children and young people receive the most appropriate referral and can access provision; actively supporting multi-agency planning for those children and, in doing so, providing information about the ‘voice of the child’ and the child’s lived experience as evidenced by observations or information provided through the multi-agency forum
  13. Our School’s arrangements for consulting with, listening and responding to students are shared with staff and scrutinised by Governors
  14. There is a commitment to the continuous development of staff with regard to safeguarding training
    1. All staff follow the LSCB 5-year training pathway (see Appendix 6) and receive a safeguarding update as part of their induction, and safeguarding training at least annually to enable them to understand and fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities effectively
    2. In addition, the DSL completes training at least every 2 years to help them understand their role and responsibilities
    3. The DSL also follows the LSCB 5-year training pathway and attends the LSCB Inter-Agency Safeguarding training
    4. Bourne Grammar School has a Deputy DSL who is trained to the same standard as the DSL
    5. The DSL, and/or Deputy remain up to date with any emerging concerns/themes in Lincolnshire

Early Identification, Recognising and Responding to Safeguarding Needs

  1. Lincolnshire has adopted an Early Intervention approach to addressing all children's needs. There is an expectation that all schools use the Early Help Assessment to identify the holistic needs of a child and seek support through the Early Help consultants or Team Around the Child coordinators.
  2. Bourne Grammar School acknowledges serious case review findings and shares lessons learned with all staff to help ensure best practice
  3. All key staff should understand the ‘Meeting the Needs of Children in Lincolnshire' procedures and all staff should know how to pass on any concerns no matter how trivial they seem.
  4. All staff understand the difference between a 'concern' about a child and 'immediate danger or at risk of harm' and know the procedures to follow for each
  5. The School knows how to identify and respond to:
    1. Signs/symptoms of any type of abuse, e.g. Physical, Sexual, Emotional
    2. Neglect – appendix 3 and 4 and useful information in the Safeguarding in Schools Training Package and on the NSPCC website
    3. Drug/substance/alcohol misuse (by a student or any other member of the School community)
    4. Child sexual exploitation/trafficked children
    5. Children missing in education
    6. Domestic abuse
    7. Youth-Produced Sexual Imagery (previously known as 'Sexting')
    8. Peer-on-peer abuse (including sexually harmful behaviour)
    9. Risky behaviours including concerns around extremism/radicalisation
    10. Sexual health needs
    11. Obesity/malnutrition
    12. Inclusion and diversity including SEND, HIV, LGBT pupils
    13. Online grooming – CEOP guidance
    14. Inappropriate behaviour of staff (or other adults connected to the School) towards children
    15. Bullying, including homophobic, racist, gender and disability. Breaches of the Equality Act 2010
    16. Self harm
    17. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) & multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM – April 2016
    18. Forced marriage
    19. Honour-based violence
    20. Looked after children
  6. School staff contribute to assessments along the ‘Continuum of Need’ (see Appendix 2) and actively support multi-agency planning for those children. Staff have an understanding of the Framework of Assessment of Need (see below) and make decisions based on a child’s development needs, parenting capacity and family & environmental factors

Continuum of need illustration

Early Help

  1. Early Help is the term used to describe arrangements and services that identify the need for help for children and families as soon as the problems start to emerge, or when there is a strong likelihood that problems will emerge in the future. Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) identifies the critical features of effective Early Help as:
  2. A multi-disciplinary approach that brings a range of:
    1. Practice that empowers families and helps them to develop the capacity to resolve their own skills and expertise through a 'Team Around the Child' approach
    2. A relationship with a trusted lead professional who can engage with the child and their family, and coordinate the support needed from other agencies
    3. A holistic approach that addresses the child's needs in the wider family context
    4. Simple, streamlined referral and assessment process
    5. Early Help in Lincolnshire includes both the TAC and ESCO process. Signs of Safety is embedded throughout. ESCO is similar to the TAC process but specifically supports the care coordination of Children with Disabilities (CWD). Further information can be seen at All forms and guidance for Early Help including Signs of Safety, TAC Handbook, TAC Consultants contact details etc. are available at
  3. What is Team Around the Child (TAC)?

TAC is a shared assessment and planning framework which is in use by a variety of agencies across the county and is employed in a similar format throughout the country. It aims to help with the early identification of additional needs of children and young people and promote a coordinated multi-agency response to meet them. A TAC can be used to support children and young people between 0–19 years, including unborn babies and can also be used with consent up to the age of 24 where a young person has a learning difficulty or disability. There are four main stages in setting up a TAC:

  1. Early identification of needs
    1. Assessing strengths and needs in a consistent and methodical framework
    2. Developing and delivering an integrated service
    3. Reviewing and refining the support arrangements
  2. Support and guidance available
    1. Refer to the LSCB website and publications (particularly 'Meeting the Needs of Children in Lincolnshire') at
    2. The following staff are available to support professionals:
      1. Early Help Advisors: These advisors are based within the Customer Service Centre (01522 782111). They offer consultations to professionals for new cases where practitioners need some advice or guidance. The Advisors are qualified social workers who will advise on all levels of safeguarding and thresholds
      2. Early Help Consultants provide support, advice and guidance to lead professionals on existing TAC Cases. They will use Signs of Safety methodology to map and/or quality assure cases in order to secure improved outcomes for children, young people and their families
      3. TAC Administrators provide administrative support, maintain records, monitor processes, and can signpost professionals to local services.
    3. Further Support for Schools and Academies: In addition to the support outlined above, case supervision can be requested for all TAC cases where the Lead Professional is employed in an educational setting. Administrative support can also be requested in the form of arranging meetings and the typing of assessments and plans. This support can be accessed via the Request Forms at
  3. The Designated Safeguarding Lead acts as the focal point for all matters concerning child protection and safeguarding children and young people. One of the primary tasks is to act as the contact between the School, the family and other agencies. Incidents of possible child abuse need to be handled with sensitivity and confidentiality, consistent with the multi-disciplinary approach. If there is any cause for concern it is vital that information is passed to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. In the event (following statutory investigation) of concerns proving to be unfounded, staff should not reproach themselves for having raised the issue. In cases of this nature it is always best to share information.

Procedures and Record-keeping

  1. Bourne Grammar School will follow Lincolnshire’s safeguarding procedures with reference to Lincolnshire's LSCB 'Managing Individual Cases where there are Concerns about a Child's Safety and Welfare' (section 4 of LSCB Inter-Agency procedures).
  2. If a member of staff has a concern about a child they know that they should complete a BGS orange Safeguarding Referral Form and pass to the DSL or the Deputy. Action will be taken by the DSL and a summary of events will be recorded securely
  3. The School will ensure that:
    1. Safeguarding information including Child Protection information is stored and handled in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 ensuring that information is:
      1. used fairly and lawfully
      2. for limited, specifically-stated purposes
      3. used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
      4. accurate
      5. kept for no longer than necessary
      6. handled according to people’s data protection rights
      7. kept safe and secure
  4. Any concerns about a child will be recorded in writing within 24 hours. All records will provide a factual, evidence-based account. Timely, accurate recording of every incident/concern/activity/actions will be made, including communication with other professionals. Records will be signed and dated
  5. Hard copies of records or reports relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns will be kept in a secure confidential file. Authorisation to access electronic records will be controlled by the DSL and Headteacher
  6. There is always a DSL or Deputy DSL who can be contacted when required
  7. The Policy is updated at least annually and updates are made in line with any new DfE or other government department guidance
  8. In the case of a child protection referral or serious injury the DSL will contact Lincolnshire Customer Service Centre without delay to report concerns and seek medical attention as necessary
  9. Staff must report any concerns about adults who work with children or young people to the Headteacher or to the Chair of Governors (via the Clerk) if an allegation of abuse is made against the Headteacher.

The Headteacher or Chair may seek advice from the DSL and must contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Tel: 01522 554674 (see Section 4 of Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2016). The Emergency Duty Team should be contacted outside normal working hours 01522 782333

  1. If the DSL is ever in any doubt about next steps they can consult with Lincolnshire Children's Services Customer Service Centre and seek advice from the Early Help Advisors
  2. The DSL will keep written, signed and dated records detailing any allegation and action taken as near to the time of disclosure as possible even when no investigation is undertaken
  3. Conversations with a child who discloses abuse should follow the basic principles:
    1. Listen rather than directly question, remain calm
    2. Never stop a child who is recalling significant events
    3. Make a record of discussion to include time, place, persons present and what was said (use the phrases given by the child)
    4. Advise that the information will have to be shared with the DSL, who may have to speak with other professionals on a need-to-know basis
    5. Avoid coaching/prompting
    6. Never take photographs of any injury
    7. Allow time and provide a safe haven/quiet area for future support meetings
    8. At no time promise confidentiality to a child or adult

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The School will ensure, through regular briefings and by other means, that every member of staff and person working on behalf of the School:
    1. Knows the name of the DSL and Deputy DSL in addition to their role and responsibility
    2. Has read part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2016.
    3. Has an individual responsibility to refer Safeguarding (Child Protection) concerns
    4. Knows what to do if a child tells them that he/she is being abused or neglected (appendix 5) and What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused – Advice for practitioners.
    5. Will receive training at the point of induction and at regular intervals as required, but at least annually, so that they know:
      1. Their personal responsibility/code of conduct/teaching standards
      2. School and LSCB child protection procedures and how to access them
      3. The need to be vigilant in identifying cases of abuse at the earliest opportunity
      4. How to support and respond to a child who discloses significant harm
      5. Their duty concerning unsafe practices in regard to children by a colleague or any other adult that works with children
  2. The DSL will disclose any information about a pupil to other members of staff on a need-to-know basis
  3. The School will:
    1. Undertake appropriate discussion with parents prior to involvement with other agencies unless the circumstances preclude this
    2. Work to develop effective links with relevant agencies in relation to Safeguarding (Child Protection)
    3. Ensure that, where there are unmet needs, an Early Help discussion is initiated. Advice may be sought from the Early Help Consultants in the locality
    4. Complete reports and send representatives to case conferences, core groups and Child Protection review meetings
    5. Follow Lincolnshire’s policy and statutory guidance on Children Missing Education (CME).
    6. Ensure all staff in scope of the Disqualification by Association 'Disqualification Under the Childcare Act 2006' have completed a Disqualification Declaration
    7. Ensure that all staff are aware of their duties under the Serious Crimes Act 2015 to report known instances of female genital mutilation (FGM) to the police via the 101 number
    8. Ensure all staff have the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to keep looked after children safe
    9. Notify an allocated social worker if:
      1. A student subject to a Child Protection Plan (CPP) is excluded (fixed-term or permanent)
      2. There is an unexplained absence of a pupil on a CPP of more than 2 days or 1 day following a weekend, or as agreed as part of a CPP

Governing Body Responsibilities

  1. The Governing Body recognises its responsibilities with regard to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in accordance with Government guidance
  2. The Governing Body have agreed processes which allow it to monitor and ensure that the School:
    1. Has robust Safeguarding procedures in place
    2. Operates safer recruitment procedures and that appropriate checks are made on new staff and adults working on the School site. This includes ensuring the Headteacher and/or the DSL check the Single Central Record (SCR)at least annually
    3. Has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against any member of staff or adult on the School site
    4. Has a member of the Leadership Team who is designated to take lead responsibility for dealing with Safeguarding and Child Protection issues and to ensure there is a Deputy Safeguarding Lead in place
    5. Takes steps to remedy any deficiencies or weaknesses with regard to Safeguarding arrangements
    6. Is supported by the Governing Body in nominating a member responsible for liaising with the LA and/or partner agencies in the event of allegations of abuse against the Headteacher; this has been agreed to be the Chair of Governors
    7. Carries out an annual review of the Safeguarding policy and procedures
    8. Carries out an annual Safeguarding Audit in consultation with the Governing Body, sharing this with the LSCB/Safeguarding in Schools team on request

Supporting Vulnerable pupils at risk

  1. Special consideration should be given to safeguarding and protecting children that may have additional vulnerabilities, for example children that are looked after or those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Additional barriers can exist to the recognition of abuse and neglect which can include:
    1. Assumptions that indicators of possible abuse such as behavior, mood and injury relate to the child's disability without further exploration
    2. Vulnerable children being disproportionately impacted by bullying – without outwardly showing any signs
    3. Communication barriers and difficulties in overcoming these barriers
  2. The School will endeavour to support vulnerable pupils through:
    1. Its ethos which promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment; giving students a sense of feeling valued
    2. Its behaviour policy aimed at supporting vulnerable pupils in School. All staff will agree a consistent approach which focuses on working to support children in developing positive behaviour
    3. Liaison with other appropriate agencies which support the student
    4. Developing supportive relationships
    5. Recognition that children living in difficult home environments are vulnerable and are in need of support and protection
    6. Monitoring student welfare, keeping accurate records and notifying appropriate agencies when necessary
    7. Allowing designated staff opportunities to attend Safeguarding training
    8. Ensuring information is transferred safely and securely when a student with a Safeguarding Record transfers to another school.
    9. Notifying key workers or social workers when a child leaves the School (as appropriate)
    10. Following Lincolnshire's procedures for Child Sexual Exploitation including using the CSE Risk Assessment Toolkit as necessary

Extremism and Radicalisation

  1. Bourne Grammar School seeks to protect children and young people against the messages of all violent extremism including, but not restricted to, those linked to radical Islamist ideology, or to Far Right/Neo Nazi/White Supremacist ideology, Irish Nationalist and Loyalist paramilitary groups, and extremist Animal Rights movements
  2. The current threat from terrorism in the United Kingdom may include the exploitation of vulnerable people, to involve them in terrorism or in activity in support of terrorism. The normalisation of extreme views may also make children and young people vulnerable to future manipulation and exploitation
  3. The School is clear that this exploitation and radicalisation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern
  4. Prevention work and reductions of risks will include the EPR curriculum, SEND Policy, assembly routine, the use of School premises by external agencies, integration of pupils by gender and SEND, Anti-bullying Policy and other issues specific to the School’s profile
  5. The School adheres to the Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales July 2015
  6. Risk assessment
    1. Settings need to assess the risk, with local partners, of their children being drawn into terrorism, as well as their support for extremist ideas and terrorist ideology. They should have robust safeguarding policies to identify children at risk, appropriate intervention and the most appropriate referral option. The policy should also cover the suitability of visiting speakers
    2. Police in all regions are expected to produce a Counter-Terrorism Local Profile (CTLPs) which is to assess the risk of individuals being drawn into terrorism and is the risk assessment that settings need to refer to. Further support can be provided by contacting [email protected] or [email protected]
  7. Working in Partnership
    1. Lincolnshire settings are required to ensure that their safeguarding arrangements take into account policies and procedures of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Board
  8. The key aim of the Prevent strategy in Lincolnshire is:
    1. To help local authorities, police, community safety partnerships and other partners and partnerships to develop and implement effective actions, which will make their communities safer.
    2. Experience has shown that the best results are achieved by:
      1. Partnership working and community engagement
      2. Understanding the challenge and its context
      3. Developing an effective action plan
      4. Managing risk
      5. Tracking progress and evaluating success
      6. Sharing learning
    3. Lincolnshire has a Prevent steering board which provides the strategic direction and is attended by a variety of partners including representatives from education
    4. The Channel panel is the operational group for Lincolnshire and has multi-agency representation
  9. Staff training
    1. Settings should ensure that their staff are equipped to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism, as well as challenge extremist ideas. They should know how to refer children and young people for further help.
    2. All staff undertake Prevent awareness training (in-house) and key Pastoral staff complete e-learning via the LSCB website. Face-to-face learning is available to book via the Stay Safe partnership website
  10. Referral Process
    1. As part of the duty to protect young people from the messages of extremism, the School may refer any young person it is concerned about to the local Prevent team through the Channel process. The Channel referral form can be found through the LSCB website link above and should be returned to the email provided [email protected] Before doing this the School should contact [email protected] or [email protected] to seek advice and support to see if a Channel referral is appropriate. Where the School has serious concerns about the vulnerability of a young person in relation to extremist behaviour, then the School should make a call to the Police on 999
  11. IT policies
    1. Settings are expected to ensure that children are safe from online terrorist and extremist material, typically via appropriate levels of filtering
    2. Settings can require students and staff to abide by acceptable user polices which make clear that accessing such sites is unacceptable. Using School equipment to send terrorist publications to others is a criminal offence
  12. Monitoring and enforcement
    1. Ofsted inspectors will assess the approach to keeping children safe from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism and what is done when the setting suspects that pupils are vulnerable to these threats. If a setting is considered to be failing in this regard or if their staff or children’s safety is threatened, academies or free schools may be subject to termination of funding
  13. Wider issues to consider:
    1. Additional strategies:
      1. Settings are required to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.
      2. Delivering a curriculum that includes a balanced Religious Education, Personal Social and Health Education
    2. EMTET is the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Education Team who can support settings by working with individuals who are victims of racism or are perpetrators of racism or have racist views. In addition, they can signpost settings to other organisations. EMTET contact details are 01427 787190,

Female Genital Mutilation

  1. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is child abuse and is illegal. As of 31st October 2015, all regulated professionals including qualified teachers or persons who are employed or engaged to carry out teaching work in schools are required to report cases of FGM to the Police. This is a personal duty and cannot be transferred to anyone else. The new mandatory reporting duty relates to a disclosure that FGM has already happened. This should be reported to the Police on 101. Where a girl discloses information that identifies her as at risk of FGM, professionals should follow the normal safeguarding procedures

Youth-Produced Sexual Imagery (YPSI) (Previously known as 'Sexting')

  1. The School has a duty of care towards our pupils and an obligation to support them in being safe in the online world as well as the physical world
  2. There are a number of definitions of YPSI but for the purposes of this policy YPSI is defined as:
    1. A person under the age of 18 creating a sexual image of themselves and sharing it with another person who is under 18
    2. A person under 18 sharing an image (of someone under 18) with anyone else
    3. A person under the age of 18 who is in possession of sexual imagery created by another person under the age of 18
    4. An image covers still photos and moving video
    5. If an adult possesses, produces, or shares (or coerces a child to share) a sexual image of anyone under 18 it is Child Sexual Abuse and the School's safeguarding procedures will be followed, which will include contacting the Police
  3. YPSI is passed between young people and/or adults via a mobile phone, handheld device or websites with people they may not even know
  4. When an indecent image is shared by a former sexual partner, without consent, it is often termed 'revenge porn'. This can be distressing and embarrassing for the victim and they will be supported by the School.
  5. If an indecent image of a student over the age of 18 is shared without consent, then the School will take action to support the victim and apply appropriate sanctions as per the Behaviour Policy
  6. YPSI can be created for different reasons. It can be connected to sexual pleasure and be linked to a ‘normal’ part of sexual development. However, something that transpires online can quickly become freely available in the public domain. It can then be transferred, forwarded, downloaded, uploaded and shared
  7. Any situations involving our students and YPSI are taken seriously and are potentially indicative of a wider safeguarding or child protection concern. The understanding of children and young people around the potential implications of taking and/or sharing YPSI is likely to be influenced by the age and ability of the children involved. In some cases, children under 13 (and indeed older) may create YPSI as a result of age appropriate curiosity or risk-taking behavior, or simply due to naivety rather than any sexual intent
  8. All incidents involving YPSI will be responded to in line with the School’s safeguarding and child protection procedures
  9. When an incident involving YPSI comes to the attention of the School:
    1. The incident is referred to the DSL as soon as possible and recorded using the BGS orange Safeguarding Referral Form
    2. The DSL will hold an initial review meeting with appropriate School staff
    3. There will be subsequent interviews with the students involved (if appropriate)
    4. Parents/carers will be informed at an early stage and involved in the process unless there is good reason to believe that involving parents would put the student at risk of harm
    5. If there is a concern a student has been harmed or is at risk of harm a referral will be made to Children’s Social Care and the Police immediately
    6. The Police will also be informed if:
      1. An adult has been involved in the YPSI
      2. There has been any coercion or blackmail
      3. The YPSI is extreme or violent
      4. The child is under the age of 13
  10. Any direct disclosure by a student will be taken very seriously. A student who discloses that they are the subject of sexual imagery is likely to be embarrassed and worried about the consequences. They will be reassured and supported
  11. Securing and handing over devices to the police
    1. If any devices need to be seized and passed onto the police then the device(s) will be confiscated and the police will be contacted. The device will be turned off and secured until the police collect it.
    2. Government guidance will be referred to 'Searching, screening and confiscation at school'.

Peer-on-Peer abuse

  1. Children and young people may be harmful to one another in a number of ways which would be classified as peer-on-peer abuse
  2. Types of abuse (there are many forms of abuse that may occur between peers and this list is not exhaustive):
    1. Physical abuse (eg.biting, hitting, kicking, hair pulling)
    2. Sexually harmful behaviour/sexual abuse (eg. inappropriate sexual language, touching, sexual assault)
    3. Bullying (eg. physical, name-calling, homophobic)
    4. Cyber bullying
    5. Youth Produced Sexual Imagery (previously known as 'Sexting')
    6. Initiation/hazing
    7. Prejudiced Behaviour
  3. The School uses appropriate strategies in order to prevent peer-on-peer abuse rather than manage issues in a reactive way. The School:
    1. Recognises that peer-on-peer abuse can and will occur in any setting even with the most stringent of policies and support mechanisms. The School therefore continues to recognise and manage such risks and develops strategies to support students in sharing information with staff
    2. Continues to maintain an open environment where pupils feel safe to share information about anything that is upsetting or worrying them. This is strengthened through a strong and positive PHSE curriculum
  4. Although the type of abuse may have a varying effect on the victim and initiator, the School follows steps to help clarify the situation and establish the facts before deciding on any consequences
  5. The School aims to respond to situations of peer-on-peer abuse swiftly and sensitively
  6. Staff are trained in dealing with such incidents, talking to pupils and instigating immediate support in a calm and consistent manner.
  7. All incidents are recorded and shared with the Head of Year who will liaise with the DSL where necessary

Safer Recruitment and Professional Boundaries

  1. The School pays full regard to DfE guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2016 and with reference to the ‘Position of Trust’ offence (Sexual Offences Act 2003). All appropriate measures are applied in relation to everyone who works in the School who is likely to be perceived by the children as a safe and trustworthy adult, which includes Governors who we require to have an enhanced criminal records certificate. We do this by:
    1. Operating safer recruitment practices including appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and reference checks; verifying identity; academic and vocational qualifications; obtaining professional references; checking previous employment history (including any additional checks thought appropriate for staff who have lived or worked outside the UK); ensuring that a candidate has the health and physical capacity for the job; undertaking interviews and checking the Children’s List and the existence of any teacher prohibition orders (checked via the 'Teacher Services' system) and the right to work in England checks in accordance with DBS and Department for Education procedures.
    2. In February 2015 the DfE issued additional guidance about disqualification by association 'Disqualification Under the Childcare Act 2006' which applies to staff employed. The School asks those staff in scope to complete a disqualification declaration. Upon return, Bourne Grammar School will advise the LADO where a positive declaration has been made
    3. Ensuring that staff and volunteers adhere to a code of conduct and other professional standards at all times, including after-school activities and are aware of social media/on-line conduct
    4. Ensuring any disciplinary proceedings against staff related to Child Protection matters are concluded in full in accordance with Government guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2016 and LSCB, LADO and HR Policy, procedures and guidance
    5. Ensuring that all staff and other adults on site are aware of the need for maintaining appropriate and professional boundaries in their relationship with pupils and parents
    6. Establishing adequate risk assessments including for extended school, volunteer and holiday activities
    7. Supporting staff confidence to report misconduct
    8. Ensuring that at least one member of every recruitment panel has completed Safer Recruitment training within the last 5 years

Whistleblowing Procedure

Refer to Whistleblowing Policy

Communication with Parents and Carers

  1. The School takes steps to help ensure that all parents and carers are aware of this Safeguarding Policy: The policy is available through the School website and parents receive updates on reviews and changes through home-school communication
  2. Parents can raise a concern about their child's safety or about general safeguarding concerns in the School by telephoning the School or emailing [email protected]
  3. Parents are informed of information when necessary to help them protect their children from harm inside and outside the School environment
  4. Where the School has concerns for the safety of a child, parents are made aware of these concerns and their consent is sought in line with local safeguarding procedures unless doing so would increase the risk of harm to the child

Allegations made against adults who work with children - Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

  1. Child Protection procedures must be followed whenever any member of staff or volunteer becomes aware of a concern, or an allegation of abuse is made, about an adult, including volunteers, who work with children
  2. The Headteacher must be notified or, where the allegation is against the Headteacher, the Chair of Governors must be informed (via the Clerk)
  3. The first priority is whether any immediate action needs taking to ensure a child or other children are safe
  4. All allegations of alleged or suspected abuse against an adult who works with children must be reported to the Lincolnshire’s Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO). (Contact information in Appendix 1) Further guidance is in part 4 of the statutory document Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2016 )
  5. Reporting to the LADO applies even where the nature of the alleged assault would not normally meet the threshold if applied to children in their own families. This is because of:
    1. The vulnerability of children away from home
    2. The higher standards of conduct demanded by law and regulation of those caring for other people’s children
    3. The position of trust enjoyed by such people
  6. Contact should be made with the LADO when it is alleged, or there are concerns that, a person who works with children has:
    1. Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child
    2. Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
    3. behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates he or she would pose a risk of harm if they work regularly or closely with children
  7. This process should be followed for members of staff/volunteers who are currently working in any school or college regardless of whether the school or college is where the alleged abuse took place – ie. the allegation may relate to the individual’s personal life or be historic
  8. Employers have a duty of care to their employees. They should ensure that they provide effective support for anyone facing an allegation and provide the employee with a named contact if they are suspended. Decisions about suspension are made on a case by case basis and will depend on the nature and seriousness of the allegation. It is essential that any allegation of abuse made against a teacher or other member of staff or volunteer in a school or college is dealt with in a timely manner, in a fair and consistent way that provides effective protection for the child and at the same time supports the person who is the subject of the allegation

APPENDIX 1 - Contacts

  1. Advice on any aspect of Safeguarding/Child Protection can be sought from the Safeguarding Team
    1. Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Mark Brunker
    2. Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Miss Claire Bowtell
  2. Safeguarding children - concerns over children living in Lincolnshire: 01522 782111 (working hours), 01522 782333 (Emergency Duty Team; 6pm-8am + weekends and Bank Holidays)
  3. Safeguarding children - concerns (Children living in other Authorities)
    1. Rutland Children’s Duty Team: 01572 758407 (working hours), 0116 305 00055 (out of hours)
    2. Peterborough Safeguarding Children’s Board: 01733 864170 (working hours), 01733 234724 (out of hours)
  4. Allegations against /concerns about adult(s) working with children
    1. Staff must report concerns to the Headteacher or in the event of concerns about the Headteacher, concerns must be reported to the Chair of Governors (via the Clerk)
    2. The Headteacher/Chair may liaise with the DSL (unless the concern is about the DSL) and must contact the LADO to discuss concerns & course of action
    3. Lincolnshire Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) are Paul Fisher & Rachel Powis: 01522 554674 or [email protected]
  5. Police (Emergency): 999
  6. Police (Non Emergency): 101 or 01522 947590 (Lincolnshire Police Public Protection Unit, Central Referral Unit)

APPENDIX 2 - Continuum of need

  1. Universal
    1. Children and young people whose needs are being adequately met by their family, friends and community and who are accessing universal services. (e.g. health visiting, GP, schools)
    2. Response: Continue meeting child or young person’s needs as a universal service in a safe environment.
    3. Universal services will remain at all levels of need
  2. Targeted
    1. Children and young people who would benefit from additional help with moderate difficulties in order to make the best of their life chances
    2. Response: A practitioner who identifies unmet needs for a child or young person should consider how these needs can best be met, usually by some additional help from within their own agency. The Early Help Assessment (EHA) can help to identify and plan to meet needs and involve others where necessary
  3. Complex
    1. Children and young people who have a range of additional needs affecting different areas of their life
    2. Response: Request support from other agencies such as family support, commissioned services, Youth Crime Prevention Team and Education Welfare. Agencies work together to provide a network of support to the child or young person and their family
    3. Identify a lead professional to co-ordinate support and be primary link with the family
    4. Hold a multi-agency meeting and use the Early Help Assessment (EHA) with child and family to assess their needs. Develop and implement an Action Plan and review progress
  4. Specialist
    1. Children and young people who need immediate protection or who require integrated support from a statutory service such as CAMHS, Children’s Social Care, or Youth Offending Service
    2. Children’s Social Care lead multi-agency planning and support through a Child-in-Need Plan, Child Protection Procedures, or accommodation by Children’s Social Care
    3. Youth Offending Team lead multi-agency interventions for Court-Ordered Supervision of Young Offenders in the community and in custody

If at any point you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person, contact Lincolnshire Children's Services Customer Service Centre Tel: 01522 782111 or 01522 782333 (Emergency Duty Team for out of hours) If you are concerned about an immediate danger, phone 999

APPENDIX 3 - Definitions of Abuse

  1. Physical Abuse
    1. A form of abuse which may involve:
      1. Hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child
      2. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately induces illness in a child
      3. Injuries in babies and non-mobile children
  2. Sexual Abuse
    1. Forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening
    2. Physical contact: including assault by penetration e.g. rape or oral sex; or non-penetrative acts e.g. masturbation, kissing, rubbing & touching outside of clothing
    3. Non-contact activities: eg. involving children in looking at/in the production of sexual images/ activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, grooming a child in preparation for abuse
  3. Emotional Abuse
    1. The persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on their emotional development. It may involve:
      1. Conveying to them that they are worthless, unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person
      2. Not giving them opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate
      3. Developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed; interactions that are beyond the child's developmental capability
      4. Overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning
      5. Preventing the child participating in normal social interaction
      6. Seeing/hearing the ill-treatment of another
      7. Serious bullying causing them frequently to feel frightened or in danger
      8. Exploitation or corruption of them
    2. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone
  4. Neglect
    1. The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development
    2. It may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse
    3. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
      1. Provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)
      2. Protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger
      3. Ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers)
      4. Ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment
    4. It may also include unresponsiveness to, or neglect of a child’s basic emotional needs

APPENDIX 4 - Symptoms of Abuse

The symptoms below do not necessarily mean they are a result of abuse, but can be used as a list of possible indicators. A marked change in behaviour is often the biggest indicator.

  1. Physical
    1. Bruises, black eyes, broken bones
    2. Injuries to unusual body parts eg. thighs, back, abdomen
    3. Bruising that resembles hand/finger marks
    4. Burns/scalds
    5. Bite marks, cigarette burns
    6. Injuries that the child cannot explain or explains unconvincingly
  2. Sexual
    1. Genital discomfort, pain, itching, bruising, injuries
    2. Public masturbation, compulsive masturbation
    3. Eating disorders
    4. Sexually explicit behaviour or language not appropriate for their age
    5. Sexually transmitted infection
    6. Sexually explicit drawings
    7. Pregnancy
  3. Emotional
    1. Physical, mental and emotional development lags
    2. Talks of excessive punishment
    3. Fear of parents being contacted
    4. Sudden speech disorders
    5. Running away
    6. Self-deprecation, low self-esteem
  4. Neglect
    1. Child inappropriately dressed for weather conditions
    2. Undernourished/always hungry
    3. Untreated medical problems eg. dental decay
    4. Extreme lethargy, tiredness
    5. Aggressive tendencies

APPENDIX 5 - Receiving Disclosures

  1. Receive
    1. Listen, try not to look shocked or be judgmental
    2. Accept what the young person says and ‘take it seriously’
    3. Don’t ‘interrogate’ them – let them tell you; try not to interrupt
    4. Note the date and time, what was done, who did it, and where it took place
    5. Use the young person’s own words
    6. Don’t criticise anyone
    7. Don't take photographs of any injuries
    8. Don’t ask leading questions – use ‘open’ questions to clarify only
      1. TED - Tell me; Explain; Describe
        1. Tell me what you mean by that
        2. Explain that to me
        3. Describe that....
  2. Reassure
    1. Stay calm, tell the young person they have done the right thing in telling you
    2. Reassure them they are not to blame
    3. Empathise – don’t tell them how they should be feeling
    4. Don’t promise confidentiality, explain who needs to know
    5. Explain what you’ll do next
    6. Be honest about what you can do
  3. Report and Record (BGS orange Safeguarding Referral Form)
    1. Make a Brief, accurate, timely and factual record
    2. Discuss with the DSL/Deputy, without delay
    3. The Designated Safeguarding Lead will assess the situation and decide on the next steps
    4. Things to include:
      1. Time and full date of disclosure/incident and the time and full date the record was made
      2. An accurate record of what was said or seen
      3. Whether it is first or second hand information
      4. Whether the child was seen/spoken to
      5. Whether information is fact or professional judgement
      6. Full names and roles/status of anyone identified in the report
      7. Avoid acronyms/jargon/abbreviations
      8. Sign the record
      9. Record actions agreed with/by the Designated Lead
    5. Records should be reviewed regularly and any new concerns should be added and responded to immediately

APPENDIX 6 - 5-year Safeguarding Pathway

  1. The statutory guidance, 'Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2016', states 'All staff members should be aware of systems within their school or college which support safeguarding and these should be explained to them as part of staff induction. This should include: the Safeguarding policy; the staff code of conduct; and the role of the DSL
  2. Copies of policies and a copy of part one of Keeping Children Safe in Education should be provided to staff at induction
  3. All staff members should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated. In addition all staff members should receive safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, staff meetings and briefings), as required, but at least annually to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively
  4. Please note there is a statutory requirement for DSLs to attend training at least every two years, that helps them understand their role and responsibilities
  5. DSLs are reminded to ensure they complete their safeguarding refresher training and are strongly encouraged to attend training offered by the Early Help teams, eg. Early Help & TAC Record Keeping, Voice of the Child etc. and attend TAC briefings.
  6. Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB) 5 year training pathway is available at
  7. Settings should plan their own 5-year pathway using training provided by a range of partners, e.g. LSCB, Stay Safe Partnership etc. in order to suit the needs of the school community. This should be adapted in order to reflect local and national guidance. Below is an example specifically for schools;
  8. 5 Year Cycle Training Pathway Example for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)
    1. Year 1 Complete 'Awareness of Child Abuse & Neglect Foundation' E-Learning and LSCB 2 day 'Inter-Agency Safeguarding Children & Young People' face to face course in the locality of your setting.
    2. Year 2 Complete another Safeguarding course, eg. Prevent + Early Help & TAC course
    3. Year 3 Complete Safeguarding Children Refresher training. This could be the LSCB E-learning
    4. Year 4 Complete another Safeguarding course, eg. Awareness of Domestic Abuse + eg. Voice of the Child course
    5. Year 5 Complete another Safeguarding course, eg. Keeping Children Safe in a Digital World
  9. 5-Year Cycle Training Pathway Example for all other members of staff
    1. Year 1 Complete Basic Awareness Safeguarding training. This may be the Safeguarding in Schools 'Training Package' which is updated annually, delivered by the DSL or a DSL from another school. The package may be presented in one longer session or completed over several sessions. The LSCB 'Awareness of Child Abuse & Neglect Foundation e-Learning' is a suitable alternative, however, please note that if the E-Learning is being undertaken, staff MUST be made aware of safeguarding procedures and policies specific to your setting, including safer working practices and procedures for reporting concerns about adults who work with children and young people.
    2. Year 2 Complete another safeguarding course/session, eg. Prevent. This may be face to face/e-learning or attending an in-house session.
    3. Year 3 Complete a Safeguarding Children Refresher course. This could be a refresh of one or more of the sections of the 'Training Package' or the LSCB 'Safeguarding Children Refresher training' E-Learning.
    4. Year 4 Complete another safeguarding course. This may be face to face/e-learning or attending an in-house session.
    5. Year 5 Complete another safeguarding course. This may be face to face/e-learning or attending an in-house session.
  10. Schools should plan the 5-year pathway carefully, taking into consideration any gaps in staff knowledge, updates to statutory guidance documents and the needs of the children and young people in the setting and community. Always keep accurate records of staff safeguarding updates on a spreadsheet and remember to keep a central copy of any evidence of training, e.g. certificates. Include evidence of staff training and safeguarding input at staff meetings/in-house updates etc., of which there may be several annually
  11. Support is available from [email protected]

Date of next review

February 2019