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Mobile Technology is an accepted part of modern life and as such should be a part of School life. It offers a valuable resource for use in the classroom and has numerous educational opportunities from photographing notes for use later to browsing the Internet. As with all technology it can present risks if used inappropriately. Bourne Grammar School embraces technology, but within the safety of an agreed usage policy and some simple boundaries.
#Mobile Technology is an accepted part of modern life and as such should be a part of School life. It offers a valuable resource for use in the classroom and has numerous educational opportunities from photographing notes for use later to browsing the Internet. As with all technology it can present risks if used inappropriately. Bourne Grammar School embraces technology, but within the safety of an agreed usage policy and some simple boundaries.
#Throughout this policy, the word device is used to describe any mobile phone, tablet computer, laptop, smart-watch or other device capable of communicating with either the Internet and/or mobile telephone networks and/or taking video/photographs/sound recordings. Well-known examples of these that are likely to be owned by students include iPhones, iPads and laptop computers.
Throughout this policy, the word device is used to describe any mobile phone, tablet computer, laptop, mp3 player, smart-watch or other device capable of communicating with either the Internet and/or mobile telephone networks and/or taking video/photographs/sound recordings. Well-known examples of these that are likely to be owned by students include iPhones, iPads and laptop computers.
#This policy covers the use of and liability for all devices within the School and School grounds and is in addition to the current [ ICT Code of Conduct].
This policy covers the use of and liability for all devices within the School and School grounds and is in addition to the current [ acceptable network usage policy].

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#Devices (including smart-watches) are not to be taken to desks in exams. These are to be switched off and left in bags as per the exam boards’ guidelines.
#Devices (including smart-watches) are not to be taken to desks in exams. These are to be switched off and left in bags as per the exam boards’ guidelines.

==Date of next Review==
==Ownership and Date of next review==
May 2020
#Policy owned by: Pastoral and Community committee.
#Last reviewed and approved on 13 May 2020.
#Next review due: May 2022.

Revision as of 15:50, 19 January 2021


  1. Mobile Technology is an accepted part of modern life and as such should be a part of School life. It offers a valuable resource for use in the classroom and has numerous educational opportunities from photographing notes for use later to browsing the Internet. As with all technology it can present risks if used inappropriately. Bourne Grammar School embraces technology, but within the safety of an agreed usage policy and some simple boundaries.
  2. Throughout this policy, the word device is used to describe any mobile phone, tablet computer, laptop, smart-watch or other device capable of communicating with either the Internet and/or mobile telephone networks and/or taking video/photographs/sound recordings. Well-known examples of these that are likely to be owned by students include iPhones, iPads and laptop computers.
  3. This policy covers the use of and liability for all devices within the School and School grounds and is in addition to the current ICT Code of Conduct.


  1. The School takes no responsibility for the security, safety, theft, insurance and ownership of any device used within the School premises that is not the property of the School. We will investigate the theft not the loss. If a device is stolen or damaged while on School premises, it is to be reported to reception immediately, in order that the incident can be logged.
  2. Use of personal BYOD devices is at the discretion of the School and should not be seen as a right. Students’ own devices can be used in the classroom at the teacher’s discretion.
  3. All BYOD devices shall only contact the Internet and local area network via the school wireless network. All internet access via the network is logged.
  4. The use of cellular data (e.g. GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G, etc) to access the Internet in School is strictly prohibited. All access must be by the School wireless network which is appropriately filtered. It is a condition of BYOD use under this policy that students are responsible for disabling cellular data on their device when on the School site.
  5. The use of cameras and recording equipment, including those which may be built in to certain devices, to make images or sound recordings of individuals, is prohibited unless with prior permission of any individual(s) being photographed/recorded.
  6. The School does not approve any apps or updates that may be downloaded onto any device whilst using the School’s wireless network and such activity is undertaken at the owner’s risk, with the School having no liability for any consequent loss of data or damage to the individual’s device.
  7. We encourage users to protect their own devices e.g. with the use of password or PIN as appropriate. Students are responsible for the use of their own device(s) while on the School site.
  8. Privately-owned devices should not be used in a manner that would portray the School in an unfavourable light.
  9. Devices should not be used to intimidate, abuse or perform any unfavourable acts against, staff, students or any person associated with the School.
  10. Any costs/fees incurred while using devices are not chargeable against the School and are the sole responsibility of the owner.
  11. When on the School site and switched on, all BYOD must be set to silent.
  12. Charging devices of any kind may not be used in School.
  13. Devices (including smart-watches) are not to be taken to desks in exams. These are to be switched off and left in bags as per the exam boards’ guidelines.

Ownership and Date of next review

  1. Policy owned by: Pastoral and Community committee.
  2. Last reviewed and approved on 13 May 2020.
  3. Next review due: May 2022.